Acupressure Points for Relieving Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Acupressure Points for Relieving Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Acupressure Points for Relieving Chronic Fatigue SyndromeAcupressure Points for Relieving Chronic Fatigue Syndrome The human body itself hides the healing powers within. From the traditional times, this science of healing has been flowing through civilisations and which is still worthwhile to look up to. The well being of your body depends on your maintained diet and lifestyle.

However, a goofed up diet takes a toll on your immune system thereby pulling harm upon the healing ways your body already possesses. In such a case, external spurring is required to bring back the balance. There are points in the body that can be pressed to create stimulation and normalize blood circulation thus correcting the immune system.

Points In Our Body Where Acupuncture Can Be Carried Out

There are four acupoints that pump in the get-going energy into you. The points are like SP3, SP6, SP9 and ST36. Acupuncture is a complete professional process in itself. So for a homely treatment, just pressing the aforesaid points fetches positive effects for you. In almost no time, you will get relief from pain and stress after pressing the points. Just pressing one to two points falls in with the complete result of pressing all the points. Here under are the acupoints discussed elaborately:

Third Eye Point

It rests between the eyebrows above the bridge of the nose. Pressing this point reduces the fatigue syndrome and headache. Letting Go Point It rests on the external surface of the chest.

Four fingers widths upward from the armpit crease and one finger width inward. It eases the breathing, fatigue, chest congestion and depression. It also works equally on Asthma.

Sea of Energy Point

Underneath the belly button measure three finger width and you’ll find the point. It works to eliminate fatigue, weakness, drowsiness. Three Mile Point Underneath the kneecap, measure three fingers width and you’ll meet this point.

Outside the shinbone, the point rests in one finger width. It works to reduce your fatigue, weakness and muscle relaxing is also its work. Bigger Rushing Point Between the Big toe and second toe on the top of the foot the point rests. Again it relaxes muscles and wipes away fatigue, headache and nausea.

Gates of Consciousness

Point Underneath the base of the skull, there is an empty space between the two long neck muscles. It depends on the size of the head how far the point will rest. It frees you from headache, insomnia, hyper tension and eyestrain.

Shoulder Well Atop the shoulder muscle, one-two inches aside from the lower neck the point rests. Pregnant women are suggested to press this point softly. It reduces anxiety, shoulder tension, under rated blood circulation etc.

Sea of Vitality Point

On the lower back, there are two points like point H and point I that widths away from the spine and waist level. If you have any broken bones there, you’re suggested not to press those with all the effort. You can rather lightly rub your finger onto the point. It brings back the strength in your muscles, reduces fatigue and drowsiness.

Outer Gate Point

Above the wrist crease, it measures around one and a half finger widths and it rests between the two forearm bones. It cures rheumatism, fatigue,wrist pain and immunes you against cold and flu.

Inner Gate Point From the inner wrist case, it measures up the arm from the centre. It cuts on your indigestion, insomnia, fatigue, palpitations etc.

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