Amazing Benefits Of Coconut Oil For Skin, Hair And Health

Benefits Of Coconut Oil For Skin, Hair And HealthBenefits Of Coconut Oil For Skin, Hair And Health

Coconut oil used to be considered unhealthy, but not anymore. There was a time when it was advised to replace coconut oil in cooking with other vegetable oils. Recent researches claim that coconut oil is one of the healthier foods. Though it still contains fat, it has medium chain fatty acids which are healthy. There are three medium chain fatty acids in coconut oil, namely, caprylic acid, lauric acid and capric acid. In fact, 90% of the fat in coconut oil is healthy saturated fats. The medium chain fatty acids are easily digestible. They are processed by the liver and as such, are not stored as fats. They also have anti microbial properties too.

Here Are Some Of The Health Benefits Of Coconut Oil:

Skin Care

Coconut oil can be massaged on to bruises. It is an excellent moisturiser and can be used as an ingredient in body butters, scrubs etc. The coconut oil is easily absorbed by the skin and it also helps to prevent the moisture loss from the skin. Coconut oil could also be used for treating cold sores. It can even be used as a makeup remover.

Hair Care

Coconut oil has been used to moisturise the hair in many parts of the world since a long time. Coconut oil is said to moisturise and nourish the scalp and hair, thus promoting hair growth. Coconut oil also helps remove and prevent dandruff and head lice.

Alternate Source Of Energy For The Brain

As said earlier, the medium chain fatty acids of coconut oil are processed by the liver. This releases ketones which can be used as an alternate source of energy instead of glucose, by the brain. This becomes especially useful in Alzheimer’s disease, where the brain is incapable of producing its own glucose for energy. The ketones can be utilised by the brain. Thus coconut oil maybe beneficial in Alzheimer’s disease. Coconut oil may also help to improve the memory.

Protecting The Heart From Damages

Coconut oil is said to improve the lipid profile of a person. This is beneficial in those suffering from high cholesterol levels in their blood. Coconut oil is said to increase the good cholesterol (HDL) levels in the blood. It may also help in lowering the bad cholesterol (LDL) levels in the blood. This scenario will help protect the heart. Coconut oil is also said to protect the blood vessels from injury and may also help to avoid the clogging of the arteries, which is all beneficial to the heart.

Enhancing The Immune System

Coconut oil is also said to contain antioxidants which is good for the immune system. It is also said to possess anti fungal, anti bacterial and anti microbial properties. Coconut oil may also help protect the body from infections and help reduce the risk of developing diseases.

Improves The Digestion

The medium chain fatty acids are easily digestible. They also help to improve the overall digestion process. Coconut oil is also claimed to help improve the absorption of vitamins, minerals and amino acids. It is also said to provide certain protection against some diseases like irritable bowel syndrome, some types of cancers etc.

Provides Energy

The medium chain fatty acids are easily digestible and hence are easily available as an energy source. The ketones released during their processing in the liver is also said to be a source of alternate energy for the brain. Coconut oil may also help to an extent in the weight loss procedure.

Reshma N:
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