10 Best DIY Remedies To Treat Foot Corn


10 Best DIY Remedies To Treat Foot Corn

Corns are not something easily ignorable due to the simple fact that they tend to cause constant pain. Whether you are walking, sitting or simply resting your foot on the floor, any kind of friction leads to pain in the area. Basically corns are defined s the little circular, thick skin tissues, which have been damaged because of excessive friction.

They usually occur on the sole, between toes, around the fingers and similar places in the foot. They are usually caused because of excessive friction, walking, exercising, wrong kind of shoes or even lack of proper care. Nevertheless corns are easily treated at home using these top 10 home remedies.

Here Are Some Best DIY Remedies To Treat Foot Corn:

Pumice Stone

This is one of the easiest home remedies to get rid of that stubborn skin. Soak your feet in some hot water for about 15 minutes. Make sure you add some liquid antiseptic here to prevent risks of infections. Then use a pumice stone to gently scrub that area well. Once the treatment is done, cover the area with a corn tape, which is readily available in the market. Do rub some oil or cream to keep skin soft.

Pumice Stone

Apple Cider Or White Vinegar

Apple cider and white vinegar are both used in corn treatment. They have anti fungal and antibacterial properties too for reducing infection. Dilute vinegar with a bit of water. Warm it up slightly. Then using a cotton ball give a compress on the foot. Alternatively, you can also stick that bandage on the affected area with an adhesive and leave it overnight.

White Vinegar


Sliced onions soaked in vinegar are a great remedy for corns. Basically you can soak the onion in vinegar or used an already soaked one. Apply it over the corn and use a bandage to keep this in place. Do it at night and keep the foot warm for best results.


Baking Soda

This is a natural exfoliating element and thus gets rid of dead skin with ease. The corn is covered with a thick layer of dead skin on top that prevents the healing process. You can use a warm water soak with baking soda. You can also use a paste of baking soda with some lime juice and apply on the effected area. Leave it overnight after covering with a bandage.

Baking Soda

Vitamin E or A Capsules

For this remedy, take out the powder inside the Vitamin A or E capsule. Then mix it with some olive oil and then apply on the affected region. Put on a pair of socks and stay put for a few hours. You can also apply vitamin cream on the affected area for faster healing.

Vitamin E or A Capsules


Lemon or lime is another great remedy for corn. Basically apply lemon juice on the area or scrub the same using a lemon peel. Let it dry naturally. Another pack would be using lemon juice with some clove powder or Brewer’s yeast. Let it dry up before washing.

Lemon Juice

Castor Oil

This one works for corn on toes that are usually not as stubborn. Heat a bit of castor oil and then apply on the affected area. Cover it with some adhesive tape. You can also buy some o-shaped corn pads that are sold in chemist shops and cover the foot with the same.

Castor Seed Oil

Epsom Salts

For this remedy, simply take a bucket or tub of hat water. Throw in a heap of Epsom salt in the same. Let your feet soak in it for about 10-15 minutes. Once the skin is softened, you can use the pumice stone to scrub the area well and get rid of the corn.

Epsom Salt


Garlic has natural antioxidants that helps in treating and preventing corn in the future too. Rub garlic on the corn and leave it covered with a bandage. You can also make a garlic puree with some salt and leave overnight. Garlic may smell a bit but it sure is a great long term solution for corns.


Turpentine Oil

This is a very strong but natural form of antiseptic that can be used for treating corns at home. Basically the action of the oil is so quick that healing happens faster. You can simply apply ice on the affected area and then pat on some turpentine oil on it gently. Let the same stay overnight. You can also mix turpentine with some olive oil and camphor. Apply it on the affected area at least 3-4 times in a day for best results.

Turpentine Oil

Along with the above, just make sure that you avoid too much friction on the affected area. Keep the feet moist to and wear slippers till the same gets healed.