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Cramps or spasm causes a lot of pain due to muscular contraction and ligament damage. The most common causes that lead to painful cramps are deficiency of sodium and potassium, fatigue and gastroenteritis. Cramps in women are also caused due to menses.
Cramps can sometimes be caused due to serious health conditions like thyroid, kidney infections, leg syndrome, varicose veins, multiple sclerosis etc. Mild cramps that are not an indication of some serious health disorder do not stay for long. Such cramps can easily be cured via some of the best home remedies. Home remedies do not harm the body. They offer fast relief as well.
Top Home Remedies For Cramps
Warm Water
Warm water forms an effective home remedy for muscular and menstrual cramps. Muscular cramps happen due to tense and contracted muscle tissues. Warm water therapy repairs the damaged muscle tissues by increasing blood circulation. Increased blood circulation triggers the formation of new muscle cells. It cures muscular spasm and is an effective home remedy that offers instantaneous relief from painful cramps.
Warm water eases menstrual cramps because of its property of easing the stiff and tense muscles, as mentioned. Heat relaxes the muscles, which reduces contraction. The muscles get back to their normal place. Consequently, inflammation is dramatically reduced. Hence, warm water is an effective home remedy for muscular and menstrual cramps.
Almonds are very common kitchen items. They are natural sources of abundant magnesium. This is the reason that they form an effective home remedy for cramps. Deficiency of magnesium weakens the muscles, which causes cramps. Thus, consuming almonds is one of the best ways to ease cramps at home. Infact, this home remedy offers permanent relief to the people suffering from cramps due to magnesium deficiency.
Magnesium is a mineral that seeps inside the cellular membrane. This triggers the process of potassium and sodium absorption. These three minerals i.e. magnesium, potassium and sodium form cellular membrane. This process increases protein formation as well. Thus, magnesium indirectly helps in strengthening the cells and tissues of the body. It makes the cells and tissues resistant to cramps. This eases the people suffering from leg cramps. Nevertheless, almonds are one of the best home remedies for cramps.
Turmeric is yet another powerful home remedy for cramps. Turmeric contains Curcumin. Curcumin is an anti-inflammatory agent that works like an analgesic. Cramps cause inflammation around the affected tissues. Curcumin directly starts working against inflammation.This offers relief to the contracted tissues. Moreover, Curcumin is also a natural analgesic. Analgesics are pain relievers. Therefore, turmeric reduces the pain caused due to cramps alongside curing the inflammation. It is a sure-shot solution against leg cramps. Therefore, people who often suffer from painful leg cramps should start using turmeric.
Cloves are very common spices found easily in every kitchen. However, it is hardly known about the health benefit that this spice offers. Clove is a warm spice. This feature makes it a very powerful home remedy for stomach cramps. Stomach cramps usually develop due to indigestion.
On the other hand, cloves specialize in improving digestion. Eugenol is the active ingredient found in cloves. This ingredient is a warm anti-septic. It easily nullifies the toxins present in the body. The toxins eventually clean. Consequently, the metabolic rate increases. Increased metabolic rate automatically improves digestion. Thereby stomach cramps are cured. Improper digestion leads to gas formation, which causes stomach cramps. Cloves trigger digestion, which is why stomach cramps due to gas are cured.
Ginger is a very popular women cramp easing home remedy. All you need to do is boil ginger in hot water for 30 minutes, add a little salt to it for taste and drink it. Ginger contains gingerols. Gingerols are strong anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial and anti-spasmodic agents that can ease upset stomach very easily. Improper digestion causes nausea and stomach cramps.
Menstruation is yet another cause behind stomach cramps in women. Gingerols improve digestion by clearing the toxins. This increases blood circulation, which directly improves digestion. Thus, upset stomach gets back to normal and stomach cramps are cured. In case of menstrual cramps, gingerols reduce the inflammation caused due to tense abdominal and lower back tissues. This reduces the intensity of menstruation cramps instantly. Thus, ginger is one of the best home remedies for cramps.
Warm Soups
Soups are already a warehouse of different spices. Most of the common kitchen spices are warm. Thus, warm soups offer internal warmth to the inflammated tissues and muscles. Heat relaxes and eases the stiff muscular cells. It is for this reason that warm soups are one of the best home remedies for cramps.Sometimes extreme cold also results in muscular contraction. This condition leads to painful cramps. Hot water therapy is the best home remedy to cure such cramps. It offers warmth directly to the tense and contacted tissues. However, consuming hot soups mostly ease abdominal cramps.
Hot Oil Massage
Hot oil massage is a very popular home remedy for curing muscular cramps. Heat some oil (usually vegetable oil, which is a very common kitchen ingredient) in a pan. Massage it directly over the affected area. Massage offers a lot of relief, since it expands the contracted muscles.On top of it, if you massage the affected area with some vegetable oil like mustard oil, the effectiveness gets doubled. This is because; mustard contains Curcumin. The benefits of Curcumin in cramps have always been discussed above. Thus, hot mustard oil massage forms one of the best home remedies for cramps.
All the home remedies for cramps mentioned-above are very good options to ease spasm caused due to muscular fatigue. However, cramps may sometimes be an outcome of some other diseases. Therefore, if you get repeated cramps that persist for longer spells, it is beneficial that you undergo a medical checkup. Moreover, you need to be sure of having no medical conditions like peptic ulcers or gastroenteritis before using ginger for stomach cramps.
This is because ginger is potentially dangerous for people suffering from either of the two medical conditions mentioned. Therefore, it is always a safer option to consult a doctor in cases of acute cramps. Some other home remedies, other than the ones mentioned above, for cramps are reducing the intake of caffeine and sugar, chamomile, banana, soy milk, cinnamon, honey, yoga and pickle juice. All these home remedies are as powerful as the ones mentioned-above.