9 Best Home Remedies For Diaper Rash

9 Best Home Remedies For Diaper Rash

Diaper rash is a pretty common problem with most of the babies, and also a nightmare for the parents. No one wants their baby to go through any kind of pain or discomfort. The rash is mainly caused by excess exposure to moist or soiled diapers, digestion problem, allergies or even infections. While this isn’t a serious problem; if not taken care of, might develop into a yeast or bacterial infection and cause more discomfort. A number of home remedies can help you cure the diaper rash with ease.

Here Are A Few Home Remedies For Diaper Rash:

Coconut Oil

Coconut oil has anti-fungal properties and also helps in healing the skin rapidly. The fat content in coconut oil hydrates the skin and keeps it healthy. All you need to do is apply coconut oil on the rash, every time you change the diaper. It would eliminate any kind of bacterial growth and moisturize the skin.

Coconut Oil


Vinegar helps in maintaining the PH level, so that the skin is not affected by stale urine with high alkaline density. Simply mix one teaspoon of vinegar in a glass of water and wipe the baby’s bottom with this solution every time you change the diaper. Also, in case of reusable diapers, make sure to rinse the diapers in a vinegar and water mixture after washing them, to remove any soap deposits.



Cornstarch absorbs the moisture and leaves the skin dry, which helps in protecting the baby from getting a diaper rash. Since moisture aids the growth of bacteria and fungus, applying cornstarch would prevent this problem and soothe the skin. Apply some cornstarch powder to the baby’s bottom before putting on a diaper to ensure the eradication of any kind of fungal growth.

Use Cornstarch

Cranberry Juice

Diaper rash is mainly caused by exposure to urine, which has high alkaline density. Cranberry juice is an effective remedy to balance the PH level in the urine and also inhibits the bacteria from sticking into the bladder wall. Feed 2-3 teaspoons of cranberry juice to infants to neutralize the alkaline content of urine and eliminate the chances of a diaper rash from developing.

Cranberry Juice

Baking Soda

Baking soda is an effective remedy for healing the rash and reducing the inflammation in the skin. Make a solution of baking soda and water and wash the baby’s bottom with this solution, every time you change the diaper. Make sure to let the skin completely dry off before you put on a new diaper. Alternatively, you can also mix baking soda in bath water and bathe the baby in it to help reduce the discomfort and heal the rash.

Baking Soda


Yogurt contains healthy bacteria which fight any kind of fungal and yeast infection. It also helps in healing the rash fast. All you need to do is, apply some yogurt to the affected area and leave it on for a few minutes. Rinse with water and pat dry the skin thoroughly before putting on a clean diaper. Repeat this process twice a day for best results.


Petroleum Jelly

Petroleum jelly not only moisturizes the soft and delicate skin of the baby, but also forms a thin protective layer which keeps the skin safe from urine and stool exposure. It acts as a barrier for the alkaline urine and bacterial growth, therefore preventing any fungal infection and also helping the skin heal faster. After cleaning the baby’s bottom and drying it thoroughly, apply a thin layer of petroleum jelly and put on a new diaper. Repeat the process every time you change the diaper.

Petroleum Jelly

Breast Milk

There is nothing more natural and safe for the baby’s skin than breast milk. It fights any kind of infection and helps the rash heal quickly. Also, there is no chance of allergy since breast milk is natural. Clean the baby’s bottom and massage the area with some breast milk. Let the skin dry off completely before putting on a new diaper. Do this every time you change the diaper for quick and positive results.

Breast Milk


Oatmeal is high in protein, which acts as a barrier for any kind of fungal infection, while also healing the rash rapidly. It contains saponin which removes excess oil and dirt deposits from the pores of the skin and keeps the skin healthy and clean. Add some oatmeal to the bath water; soak the affected area in this water for a few minutes and later bathe the baby in this water. Do this 2-3 times a day for positive results. It would not only heal the rash fast, but also keep the delicate skin of the baby healthy and fresh.
