8 Best Home Remedies For Muscle Cramps


8 Best Home Remedies For Muscle Cramps

Muscle cramps are extremely common among people. In fact, this is common among those people who sportsmen and athletes or runners. These involuntary or sudden contractions take place in various muscle groups. However, the common areas include the inner and back of thighs, back portion of the lower legs, etc. It also takes place in the feet, hands and lower abdominal wall.

The Best Way To Get Relief From These Is Through Home Remedies:

Cold Compress Remedy

Cold compress is an excellent home remedy that helps get relief from muscle cramps. Take a few ice cubes and gently rub on the affected body portion. Try this for at least 15 minutes and twice or thrice in a day. Another option, soak the body in a tub filled with cold water for 10 to 15 minutes. This will help relax the muscles.

Cold Compress

Cure With Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is high in potassium that helps reduce the muscle cramps faster. Take a glass of warm water and mix one teaspoon of apple cider vinegar in it. Drink this solution at least once every day to prevent muscle cramps. Another option, for night cramps, mix one teaspoon of vinegar, honey and calcium lactate in a glass of warm water.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Fight Muscle Cramps With Epsom Salt

Take two cups of Epsom salt and add to a tub filled with warm water. Soak the full body in the tub for about 30 minutes. This will help relax the muscles and provide long lasting relief from muscle cramps. For effective results, try this once a day and continue this for several days.

Epsom Salt

Treatment With Mustard

Mustard is another effective home remedy that provides relief from muscle cramps. Take one tablespoon of mustard powder and add it to one glass of warm milk. Mix it well and drink it once a day. To improve the taste, add one teaspoon of honey, if needed. Try this remedy thrice a week to get relief from pain and soreness.

Mustard powder

Cayenne Pepper And Coconut Oil Remedy

Take two teaspoons of coconut oil and heat it over low flame. Apply this all over the affected area. Add one teaspoon of cayenne pepper in the same area after the coconut oil. Massage the area gently for some time. No need to wash it off and for best results, try this remedy twice daily.

Cayenne Pepper And Coconut Oil

Rosemary Remedy For Muscle Cramps

Rosemary contains anti inflammatory properties that help get relief from muscle cramps. Take a few rosemary leaves and add it to one cup of water. Boil the water for about 20 to 30 minutes. Soak the affected body part in the solution for 15 to 20 minutes. Repeat this twice a day for good results.


Cure With Black Strap Molasses

Black strap molasses are one of the best home remedies that helps cure muscle cramps. Take one glass of warm milk or warm water. Add one tablespoon of black strap molasses, mix it well and drink this immediately. This will bring quick and long lasting relief from muscle cramps. If needed, drink this more than once a day.

Back Strap Molasses

Ginger Treatment

Take few ginger pieces and add it to one cup of water. Boil the water and allow it to steep for 5 minutes. Strain the liquid and drink it immediately. This will help release the muscle cramps faster. Another option, add ginger roots to bath water and soak the body for a few minutes.

Use Ginger