Dietary changes are an important part of hemorrhoid treatment. The diet for hemorrhoid patients focuses on foods that by easing bowel movement reduce the pain and discomfort caused by hemorrhoid. Moreover, irritants such as hot spicy foods that aggravate the symptoms of hemorrhoid need to be eliminated from the diet.
How To Use Food To Get Hemorrhoid Relief
Add Fiber Rich Foods to the Diet
A vegetarian meal is ideal for people suffering from hemorrhoids. The fiber in fruits and vegetables are essential for treating constipation and loosening the bowel. Men with hemorrhoids should try to increase their daily fiber intake to 30 to 38 grams each day, whereas women should try to consume about 21 to 25 grams of fiber daily. While all types of fruits, vegetables, whole grains and legumes contain dietary fibers, the richest sources of fibers should be added to the diet of hemorrhoid patients.
To get sufficient amount of fibers, consume fruits with skin. Medium sized apples and pears with skin contain about 4.4 grams and 5.5 grams of fiber respectively. From a cup of raspberry, you can get about 8 grams of fiber, whereas a cup of strawberry will give you around 3 grams of dietary fiber. Among vegetables, all types of leafy green vegetables are rich sources of fibers. A cup of cooked peas or beans can supply your body between 10 to 16 grams of dietary fiber.
To increase your daily fiber intake, replace refined carbohydrate food products with whole grain products such as whole wheat bread, whole-wheat spaghetti and brown rice. Oat bran is another rich source of dietary fiber that can be added to the daily diet. However, if you were used to eating a low fiber diet, sudden increase in fiber intake may cause bloating, stomach discomfort and gas. To avoid side effects, gradually increase your fiber intake, to accustom your body to the high fiber diet.
Drink Plenty of Water and Fluid
A fiber rich diet should be accompanied by sufficient fluid consumption. Inadequate fluid intake increases the risk of constipation despite increase in dietary fiber intake. Always take soluble fibers such as psyllium husk with sufficient water or juice. These dietary fibers become gelatinous by absorbing water from the gut. In the absence of sufficient water, instead of loosening the bowel, the gelatinous substance will tighten it, resulting in constipation, thereby worsening the symptoms of hemorrhoid.
Eat Iron Rich Food
Rectal bleeding, that may occur while forcibly trying to pass bowel, causes significant loss of blood. Increasing consumption of iron rich foods will boost development of red blood cells. Liver is the richest source of iron.
Dark leafy green vegetables such as spinach, egg yolk, red meat, dried fruits such as prunes, mollusks, artichokes, beans, peas and iron enriched grains and cereals are common sources of iron. To facilitate iron absorption, add sufficient amount of vitamin C rich food to your diet.
Fish Oil
Fish oil is a rich source of omega-3 fatty acids that can provide relief from the inflammation and pain caused by hemorrhoid. Vegetarians can meet their omega-3 fat requirement from flaxseed oil.