8 Diet Tips For Tinea Versicolor

Tinea versicolor is a type of fungal infection of the skin that causes skin pigmentation. People suffering from tinea versicolor have light or dark colored patches on the shoulders and trunk. It is more common in adolescents and young adults. Overgrowth of fungi that normally live on the healthy skin is responsible for this skin disorder.Abnormal fungal growth is triggered by hot and humid weather condition, weakened immune system, hormonal changes, oiliness of the skin and excessive sweating.

Dietary intervention plays an important role in controlling abnormal activities of the fungi and restoring the normal health of the skin. The anti-Candida or anti-yeast diet that works for other types of fungal infections can also help to prevent tinea versicolor.

Diet Tips For Tinea Versicolor

Eat Plenty Of Fresh Fruits And Vegetables

A diet rich in fresh fruits and vegetables is beneficial for the skin. Packed with nutritious plant compounds they help to nourish the skin. They supply your digestive tract with fibers essential for easing bowel movement. Regular bowel movements helps to eliminate the toxic wastes of the fungi from the body, thereby alleviating the adverse reactions of fungal overgrowth.

All kinds of vegetables other than starchy ones such as potatoes, sweet potato, corn, beets, winter squash, parsnips, peas and beans can be added to the diet of people bothered by tinea versicolor.

Replace Sucrose With Complex Carbohydrates

Whole grains, fruits and vegetables are sources of complex carbohydrates in the diet. They meet the energy requirement of the body without causing abnormal increase in the sugar level in the blood.Too much sugar in the blood supplies nourishment to the fungi, stimulating fungal overgrowth. Eliminating table sugar and refined carbohydrates from your diet helps to reduce the energy source of fungi. Hence, a sucrose-restricted diet is beneficial for people prone to tinea versicolor.

Eat Fermented Vegetables

Daily intake of fermented cabbage, cucumber, garlic, pepper, radish and onion helps to heal tinea versicolor. Fermented vegetables are dietary sources of probiotics.They help to maintain the normal microbial balance in the body, which may help to prevent fungal overgrowth on the skin.

Consume Probiotics

In addition to fermented vegetables, unsweetened yogurt and kefir are rich sources of probiotic bacteria. If you are allergic to cow’s milk, you may consume yogurt produced from goat milk.

Consume Fatty Fish

Fish oil is good for the health of the skin. Consuming fatty fish several times a week will help to keep your skin in good health.

Eat Fresh Meats
Fresh cuts of lean meat and poultry are free from yeast. They are safe for tinea versicolor patients. Processed meat is not beneficial for your skin.

Limit Nut Consumption

Although nuts are not directly associated with tinea versicolor, however, they might be contaminated with molds, which may aggravate the fungal infection. Soaking the nuts in water before consumption may help to remove the molds.

Consume Antifungal Foods

Garlic and oregano are common antifungal spices that can be added to the daily diet. You can even take supplements containing grapefruit seed extract to fight the fungal infection of the skin.

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