10 Diet Treatments for Psoriasis

Psoriasis is known to be a chronic condition that is associated with inflammation of the skin, resulting in rough and raised patches on the skin’s surface. Several foods are known to be helpful in treating this condition, whereas there are foods that may worsen these symptoms.

Following the right diet is crucial in the treating the symptoms of psoriasis. Given below is an effective diet plan for treating psoriasis.

Effective Diet Plan for Psoriasis

Consume Fruits and Vegetables

Fruits and vegetables are known to be good sources of antioxidants that are helpful in boosting the immune system and help in the prevention as well as treatment of health conditions. Tim Mitchell and Rebecca Penzer, authors of Psoriasis at your Fingertips state that consuming fruits and vegetables raw or in the form of juices or broth-based soups is helpful in increasing hydration, which helps in keeping the skin free from the symptoms of psoriasis.

Consume a number of colourful fruits and vegetables in your diet as they are known to possess a good amount of antioxidants. Fruits and vegetables that contain good amounts of antioxidants are berries, citrus fruits, red plums, kiwifruit, cantaloupe, cherries, leafy vegetables, broccoli, bell peppers and Brussels sprouts.

Consume Fatty Fish

Fatty fish contain high amounts of omega 3 fatty acids, which play a crucial role in keeping the heart healthy as well as improve brain function. The University of Maryland Medical Centre states that omega 3 fatty acids are known to reduce inflammation as well as lower the risk of suffer from arthritis, cancer and heart disease.

According to a research study published in Journal of the American College of Nutrition, omega 3 fatty acids may prove beneficial in treating the symptoms of psoriasis, such as inflammation as well as skin lesions, when consumed along with other medications for psoriasis. Fish that contain high amounts of omega 3 fatty acids include lake trout, herring, mackerel, salmon, tuna, flounder and halibut.

Consume Whole Grains

Mayoclinic.com states that consuming whole grains in your diet may prove effective in dealing with the symptoms of psoriasis. Whole grains are known to be rich sources of fiber, vitamins and minerals. The American Dietetic Association states that there are several whole grains that possess vitamin E. This vitamin plays the role of an antioxidant and helps in preventing cellular damage. Oatmeal, whole-wheat flour, popcorn, barley and brown rice are good sources of vitamins and must be included in your diet for treating the symptoms of psoriasis.

Avoid Alcohol

If you suffer from psoriasis, it is highly recommended that you abstain from consuming alcohol. The American Academy of Dermatology states that consuming alcohol increases your risk of suffering from psoriasis as well as increases the severity of the symptoms.

It is also known to increase the frequency of psoriasis outbreaks. Alcohol may also hamper the effect of psoriasis medications.

Flaxseed, Walnuts and Canola Oil

Flaxseed, walnuts and canola oil are known to be rich sources of omega-3 fatty acids that exhibit anti-inflammatory properties. The National Psoriasis Foundation suggests a diet rich in foods such as flaxseed, walnuts as well as canola as they play a crucial role in nutrient absorption. The anti-inflammatory properties of these foods may help in reducing inflammation and itchiness associated with psoriasis. Replace butter and margarine in your cooking with canola oil due to its anti-inflammatory benefits.

Avoid Saturated Fats

Health expert Phyllis E. Balch states that saturated fats deter the body from getting rid of the toxins present in the intestinal tract, thereby triggering the symptoms of psoriasis. Psoriasis is a condition that is also associated with the inability of the body to metabolize fats.

Saturated fats are much more difficult to digest than unsaturated fats and hence trigger outbreaks of psoriasis. Foods that contain high amounts of saturated fats include red meat, whole milk and fried foods. Allergic reactions linked with psoriasis may also occur due to milk products and eggs.

Avoid Gluten

Gluten is a protein that is present in wheat, rye, barley, baking mixes, baked goods, snacks and marinades. The University of Maryland Medical Center states that although foods such as whole wheat bread are good for most individuals, they worsen psoriasis and avoiding these foods are helpful in clearing the symptoms of this condition. Nowadays, most processed foods contain gluten in different amounts; therefore, it is important to consult your doctor to determine the foods in your diet that might contain gluten.

Avoid Certain Spices

Author of ‘The Psoriasis Cure: A Drug-Free Guide to Stopping & Reversing the Symptoms of Psoriasis’, health expert Lisa LeVan states that certain spices such as black pepper, cayenne pepper, cloves and cinnamon may trigger inflammation in those who suffer from psoriasis.

Spicy foods such as Indian curries, barbequed meat, chicken as well as fish may also worsen psoriasis. If you desire to consume spicy foods, you should try to cut down on the portion size to prevent inflammation.

Avoid Hydrogenated Vegetable Oil

There are several foods that are available in packaged forms and are cooked with hydrogenated vegetable oil. Hydrogenated vegetable oil is known to possess high amounts of trans fats. Author of ‘The Psoriasis Cure: A Drug-Free Guide to Stopping & Reversing the Symptoms of Psoriasis’, author and health expert Lisa LeVan states that transfats are known to increase the levels of bad cholesterol. They also have a negative effect on the cardiovascular health, in general, thereby worsening or triggering the symptoms of psoriasis. Several foods contain high amounts of hydrogenated oil and they include margarine, fast foods, pastries, cookies and crackers.

Added Sugars

Added sugars help in adding flavour to a number of foods such as cakes, biscuits and pastries, but offer no nutritional value. If you consume moderate amounts of sugar in your diet, then you may not experience any major problem.

However, the University of Maryland Medical Center states that those suffering from psoriasis should limit the amount of refined sugar in their diet to experience relief from psoriasis symptoms. Replace foods containing refined sugar with natural sugars that help in boosting immunity.

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