4 Diet Treatment For Rosacea

Rosacea is chronic skin condition that usually affects Caucasians. It is characterized by redness and flushing of different areas of the facial skin especially the nose, forehead and chin. Although the exact cause of rosacea is unknown, several environmental factors and certain foods are associated with rosacea flare-ups. The frequency of rosacea flare-ups may be diminished with the help of dietary changes. Dietary intervention for rosacea includes avoiding dietary triggers and consuming foods that are believed to be beneficial for people suffering from the chronic skin condition. Although there are certain common dietary triggers such as alcohol, hot drinks and spicy foods, the exact triggers may vary. It is advisable to maintain a food journal to identify the rosacea triggers in your diet.

Diet For Rosacea

Eat A Low Carbohydrate Diet

Carbohydrate is our body’s main fuel. However, consuming too much carbohydrate is not beneficial for the body. Sucrose or table sugar and refined carbohydrates such as flour are especially harmful for rosacea patients. Devoid of dietary fibers, these easily digestible carbohydrates take a longer time than complex carbohydrates to satisfy your appetite, prompting you to consume excess calories.

A high calorie carbohydrates diet is toxic for the body. Prolonged intake of sugary foods induces excess insulin secretion, which may trigger unwanted inflammation. A low carbohydrate diet comprising of only complex carbohydrates, such as whole grain products, vegetables and fruits, healthy proteins and small amount of fat can meet your daily calorie requirement without aggravating your skin condition. While selecting the fruits and vegetables for your daily diet, focus only on foods with low glycemic index. A low carbohydrate diet helps to clear the rosacea.

Eat Alkaline Foods

Adding sufficient alkaline foods to your daily diet can protect you from recurrent rosacea flare-ups. The pH of the blood of rosacea patients tend to be lower than normal. Alkaline foods help to maintain the normal pH of the blood, thereby alleviating the symptoms of rosacea.

The best alkaline foods for rosacea patients include cruciferous vegetables, onion, yam, sweet potato, lentils, leafy green vegetables and watermelon. Normally, a diet rich in fiber rich fruits and vegetables can help to maintain the normal pH of your blood. The appropriate diet of a rosacea patient should contain about 80 percent alkaline food and rest can be acidic foods such as grains, sugar, salt, egg, vinegar, fish, meat, seafood, seeds, nuts and oil.

Drink Plenty of Water

If you are suffering from rosacea, remember to drink sufficient water. Water helps to cool the body and flash out toxins from the body. Drinking several glasses of water, preferably at room temperature, is good for rosacea patients.

Avoid Dietary Triggers

Certain ingredients in your daily diet tend to aggravate rosacea. The exact dietary triggers vary from person to person. Identifying the triggers and eliminating them from the diet can protect you from recurrent rosacea flare-ups. Food items commonly blamed for worsening rosacea outbreak include, alcohol, hot spices, such as cayenne pepper, paprika, red pepper, white pepper and black pepper, dairy products, chocolate, vinegar, beans and yeast. Even citrus fruits, though considered alkaline, might trigger rosacea outbreak.

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