Drugs And Medications To Treat Bile Reflux

Bile reflux is a condition in which the bile returns to stomach and esophagus. Bile is produced by liver and it helps in the digestion of food. Bile reflux can cause many health problems including esophageal cancer. Bile reflux cannot be treated completely with dietary and lifestyle changes.

Medicines are used to manage the condition. If the condition is severe, surgery is done. The main medications used to treat bile reflux are bile acid sequestrants and prokinetic agents. The condition can be treated with ursodeoxycholic acid and proton pump inhibitors. The main drugs and medications to treat bile reflux are as follows.

Drugs And Medications To Treat Bile Reflux

Questran Powder

Questran powder is used to treat bile reflux. The medicine is a bile acid sequestrant. The medicine helps in stopping the bile circulation and removing bile acid, thus treating bile reflux. Take the medicine according to the doctor’s directions. Take the medicine orally with meals.

If you are taking any other medicines, take them one hour before you take Questran powder or four hours after it. Avoid taking the medicine directly as a powder. Mix the medicine with water and then take it. You can take the medicine with soups and noncarbonated drinks. The medicine can cause constipation, nausea, vomiting, stomach pain, severe allergic reaction, bruising, bleeding and shortness of breath.


Welchol is used to treat bile reflux. The medicine is a bile acid sequestrant. The medicine acts upon the bowels to eliminate bile acids, thus treating bile reflux. Take the medicine according to the doctor’s directions. Take the medicine orally with fluids.

Take the medicine at mealtime. Take other medicines four hours earlier than taking Welchol. Do not stop the medicine if you are feeling well. Do not increase the medicine dose without consulting a doctor. The medicine can cause constipation, for which you must eat a fibrous diet and drink water. The medicine can cause side effects like back pain, headache, stomach pain, runny nose, weakness, muscle pain and nausea.

Ursodeoxycholic Acid

Ursodeoxycholic acid is used to treat bile reflux. The medicine increases the flow of bile and reduces the severity of bile reflux. The medicine is available in the form of capsules and tablets. Take the medicine according to the doctor’s prescription.

Swallow the medicine with water. If you are taking capsule form of the medicine, take it at night before sleeping. If you are taking tablet form of the medicine, you should take it orally after meals. Adults should take 3-4 tablets divided in two doses. The medicine can cause diarrhea.


Aciphex is a proton pump inhibitor, which helps in treating bile reflux. The medicine helps in healing the esophagus that is damaged by excess stomach acid. Take the medicine according to the doctor’s directions. Take the right dose as prescribed, without increasing or decreasing the dose on your own. Take the medicine for duration as prescribed by the doctor.

Take the medicine for 4-8 weeks. Take the medicine orally with water by swallowing it, without crushing and breaking the tablet. You can take the medicine with food or without it. If the medicine causes diarrhea, stop taking it and consult a doctor. The medicine can cause some side effects like dizziness, jittery feeling, fast heart rate, muscle cramps, cough, seizures and allergic reaction. 

Photo Credit: http://health.rush.edu/HealthInformation/In-Depth%20Reports/10/000085.ASPX

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