Drugs And Medications To Treat Hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids are usually attributed to chronic constipation. Straining during bowel movement causes the veins in the rectum and the anus to swell, resulting in painful bowel movement, inflammation of the anus and lower rectum and bleeding. Hemorrhoids may develop during pregnancy.

The pressure of the growing womb on the lower rectum and anus causes swelling and inflammation of the veins of the area. In elderly people, weakening of the connective tissues may cause hemorrhoids.Easing the bowel movement helps to reduce pressure on the enlarged veins in the rectum and anus, thereby providing relief from pain.

A fiber rich dietfiber supplements and stool softeners are recommended for softening the bowel. To reduce the pain and inflammation, medications are applied topically. Over-the-counter pain relief drugs are also effective in reducing pain and swelling.

Best Medications To Treat Hemorrhoids


Hydrocortisone ointment is applied topically to reduce inflammation, pain, itching and discomfort in the anus and lower rectum. Low strength hydrocortisone preparations containing 0.5 to 1 percent hydrocortisone is used for treating hemorrhoids.

For treating hemorrhoids, the topical steroid is applied twice daily for two to six days. In certain anorectal preparations, hydrocortisone is combined with a topical anesthetic for providing rapid relief from the symptoms of hemorrhoids.


Phenylephrine is often used for treating hemorrhoids. It belongs to a group of drugs called sympathomimetic amines. By narrowing the blood vessels in the application site, it alleviates pain, swelling, itching and irritation caused by hemorrhoids. Phenylephrine ointment helps to shrink the enlarged veins in the lower rectum and anus. It can be applied up to four times daily. Fast or irregular heartbeat, nervousness, headache and troubled sleep are some rare side effects of the drug.


Dibucaine numbs the hemorrhoid pain. This topical anesthetic is usually applied to the hemorrhoid three to four times daily. Only a small amount of the ointment should be applied to the affected area.

Not more than 30 grams of dibucaine should be used in a single day. In case of children, not more than 7.5 gram of the topical anesthetic should be used in a day.


Lidocaine is used topically to reduce pain and itching caused by hemorrhoids. This anesthetic ointment works by reducing the sensation in the skin and mucus membrane temporarily. It is usually applied to the affected area two to three times daily or as instructed by the physician. Possible side effects of the drug include swelling, stinging or redness of the treated area. Some anorectal preparations used for treating hemorrhoids combine lidocaine with hydrocortisone.


Pramoxine is a topical anesthetic. By obstructing transmission of the pain signals, it helps to reduce pain from hemorrhoids. Pramoxine cream is usually applied to the affected area up to five times daily.

It is usually used after bowel movement to numb the pain. Pramoxine is sometimes combined with hydrocortisones in anorectal preparations. Dryness, redness, swelling and irritation of the treated area are possible side effects of the medication.

Other medications

Anorectal preparation containing starch, zinc oxide or glycerin can be effective in reducing the symptoms of hemorrhoids. They are available over-the-counter.

Photo Credit : http://hemrhoid.org/how-to-treat-hemorrhoids.html

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