Drugs And Medications To Treat Kidney Cancer

Kidney cancer affects the kidneys. In early stages, the symptoms of kidney cancer show very rarely. In later stages, kidney cancer has symptoms like bloody urine, back pain and intermittent fever. The patient can have weight loss and fatigue. The main cause of kidney cancer is DNA mutations in the cells of the kidneys. Advancing age, smoking, obesity, hypertension and heredity conditions increase the risk of kidney cancer.

The treatment of kidney cancer depends on the stage of cancer, age and the condition of general health. The treatment involves medicines, surgery, radiotherapy and targeted therapy. The doctor prescribes medicines to treat kidney cancer. Some drugs and medicines to treat kidney cancer are as follows.

Drugs And Medications To Treat Kidney Cancer


Avastin is a medicine used to treat kidney cancer. The medicine stops the growth of cancer cells and prevents it from spreading to other body parts. The medicine is used along with other cancer medicines. The medicine is given in the form of an intravenous injection through an IV. The medicine is given one time in two weeks.

If you take this medicine, you can have wound healing problems and it can lead to bleeding. Some patients can have infection due to it. People who have to undergo a surgery should stop using the medicine four weeks before the surgery. You should avoid situations that cause bleeding and injury. The medicine can cause side effects like hives, face swelling and problem in breathing.


Tarceva is used for treating kidney cancer. Take the medicine according to the doctor’s prescription. Take the medicine orally without crushing it one hour before you eat food or two hours after you eat food. You should take the medicine on empty stomach. Pregnant women should not take this medicine.

Do not take any antacid for several hours when you take Tarceva. Do not use dry and irritating skin products that contain alcohol. Avoid smoking as it can decrease the effectiveness of the medicine. The medicine can cause some side effects like lung problems, numbness, weakness, mood changes, chest pain, eye problems, confusion, less urination and bloody stools.


Nexavar is used to treat advanced kidney cancer. Take the medicine orally with water without crushing and chewing the tablet. Take the medicine one hour before you eat food or two hours after you eat food. Take the medicine on empty stomach. When you are taking this medicine, do not touch the body fluids with your hands for 48 hours.

It is important to keep checking the blood pressure when you are taking Nexavar. The medicine can cause side effects like mouth sores, bloody urine and stools, pale skin, chest pain, dry cough, heavy menstrual period, fainting, swelling, rashes, blisters and weight loss.


Votrient is used to treat advanced kidney cancer. Take the medicine as directed by the doctor. Take the medicine orally without crushing the tablet one hour before you eat food or two hours after you eat food. Take the medicine on empty stomach. You must swallow the tablet with water. When you are using this medicine, you need to undergo regular blood and urine tests.

It is also important to check the blood pressure and heart function. The medicine can cause some side effects like slow wound healing, fever, chills, shortness of breath, fast heartbeat, dizziness, fainting, bloody stools, nosebleeds, nausea, numbness, weakness, bleeding gums, chest pain and seizures.

Photo Credit: http://www.riversideonline.com/health_reference/Cancer/DS00360.cfm

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