5 Effective Home Remedies For Appendicitis

5 Effective Home Remedies For Appendicitis


The appendix is a small tubular sac attached to the lower end of the large intestine. When bacteria invade the sac they infect the wall of the appendix and cause acute inflammation. It is believed that appendicitis begins when the opening from appendix into the cecum becomes blocked due to a buildup of thick mucus that forms within the appendix or due to stool that enters the appendix from the cecum. The stool and the mucus harden to become rock-like and clog the opening.


Sometimes the lymphatic tissue in the appendix swells and jams the opening. When the blockage occurs, the bacteria that are present in the appendix attack the wall of the appendix. To counteract the attack the body responds by inflammation. Sometimes the inflammation and infection are so severe that they penetrate the wall of the appendix and cause it to rupture as a result of which the bacteria spread outside the appendix into the abdomen. The most common symptoms of appendicitis are abdominal pain which can be continuous without abating, nausea, vomiting, fever and loss of appetite.

Best Home Remedies For Appendicitis

Holy Basil

Holy basil is very effective in reducing the pain and swelling and in containing the infection. Take for or five leaves of holy basil and steep them into a cup of boiling water.

After ten minutes strain the tea and drink three to four cups of it daily. If you have fever then this tea will also bring down your body temperature and bring relief in the headache. Holy basil will also remove all the toxins from the body and keep it in good health.

Fenugreek Seeds

Methi has exceptional healing and curative powers. It has been used since time unknown for treating a wide range of diseases and ailments. It is full of powerful antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties which bring quick relief in the pain and swelling and also destroy the infection effectively. Boil a glass of water and add one teaspoon of methi seeds to it. Boil on a low flame for three minutes then after ten minutes strain the tea and drink it three times daily.


Grind a few fresh leaves of mint and mix it with half a cup of curd. Eat this mixture three times daily to relieve the pain as well as the nausea and the vomiting.


Chop some ginger into small pieces and sprinkle some rock salt and a few drops of lemon juice on them. Chew a few of these pieces every few hours to get relief from the vomiting and nausea. The antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties of ginger will also help to contain the infection and to reduce the inflammation in the appendix wall.


Buttermilk is a very good remedy for calming the inflamed appendix. Churn one kilo of fresh homemade curd and remove the butter from it. Add some water to the remaining liquid and drink a glass of this thin buttermilk after every few hours. Buttermilk will also curb the bacterial growth inside the appendix.

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