7 Effective Home Remedies For Bronchitis

Bronchitis it often termed to be a severe infection in the bronchial tract (air tubes). It leads to chronic cough, congestion, breathing difficulty, chest pain and inflammation.

This condition can be caused due to a number of factors like infection, viral attack, pneumonia, flu, lung injury, pollen allergy etc. Sometimes bronchitis may be an indication of weak immune system as well. This respiratory syndrome causes high of level discomfort. However, to the credit of certain home remedies, it is possible to gain instantaneous relief from the sensation of pain, choking, congestion, burning and tingling caused due to bronchitis.

Best Home Remedies For Bronchitis

Hot Shower

People dwell under the conception that bronchial cough can be eased by consuming cough syrups. However, it is a medical myth that can complicate or possibly worsen the situation of your inflammated air tubes. Instead, taking a hot shower can be beneficial in easing the swollen and congested air passage and lungs. Hot shower can offer warmth to the chest. For this reason, hot shower is one of the best home remedies for bronchitis.

It eases the stiff chest and sore throat. The rigid gone tract becomes humid and mucus starts moving. It is for this reason that coughing can sometimes be an ailment to bronchitis. The air tubes open up that makes breathing easier. This mobility helps the body in draining the otherwise stiff gone mucus out of the body. Therefore, hot shower is used by many people suffering from the symptoms of acute bronchitis.


Steam works very much in the same way as hot shower does. However, it is considered to be more effective, since it directly offers warmth to the respiratory tract internally. The ingested hot steam forces the stiff mucus to become viscous. It makes the tract flexible and mucus starts coming out from the nose. Eased chest also generates cough and mucus flows out alongside this cough.

Thus, cough syrups should be your last choice, if coughing gets too worse to deal with. Hot steam becomes more powerful when vaporizers are added to it. This is because vaporizers like eucalyptus oil or peppermint oil increases the viscosity factor. They are natural minting agents that open clogged pores and chokes air tubes. Therefore, hot steam is an effective home remedy against bronchitis.

Warm Liquid

Soups, tea and other liquids those are warm can offer a lot of relief to the people suffering from bronchitis. The warmth factor is again the secret behind the potency of warm soups in easing the irritated throat and chokes bronchial tract.

The other possible benefits that warm liquids offer are pain reduction, decreased inflammation and eased congestion. Lukewarm water is also very beneficial. Nonetheless, liquid in any form (though warm) becomes an effective home remedy for treating bronchitis.

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Turmeric is used in almost all the health conditions. It also forms one of the best home remedies for bronchitis. Turmeric is a natural healer and antiseptic that is known to possess analgesic property as well. It works against the viruses and bacteria that weaken the immune system of the body. Turmeric’s active ingredient Curcumin is the magic key behind its effectiveness against bronchitis.

Curcumin kills all the infection causing bacteria and viruses. It eases inflammation and consequently the chest pain subsides. Infection is sometimes a major cause behind acute bronchitis. In such a scenario, turmeric eases the lungs, bronchial tract and congested air passage. As a result cough, pain, soreness, swelling and fever, all are cured. It is for this reason that turmeric is known to be the king of all the home remedies for bronchitis.


Ginger is yet another very effective home remedy against bronchitis. Its action is much more similar to that of turmeric. The only difference being the active ingredient in turmeric that eases bronchitis is Curcumin. On the other hand, the active ingredients in ginger that eases bronchitis are gingerols. Gingerols are anti-inflammatory, anti-viral and anti-bacterial ingredients that variably reduce acute bronchitis.

Acute bronchitis is different from chronic bronchitis. Chronic bronchitis is caused due to weak immune system and some other chronic diseases. On the other hand, acute bronchitis is caused due to viral and bacterial infections. Thus, ginger, which is a patent anti-viral and anti-bacterial product, easily offers relief to the people suffering from acute bronchitis.

The bacteria and viruses cause inflammation in the bronchial tracts and lungs, which leads to bronchitis. Gingerols directly attack these microbes and kill them. Moreover, gingerols are also immunity enhancers. Thus, they can also help the people suffering from chronic bronchitis to an extent. The infection slowly reduces and inflammation gets cured. It eases swelling, fever, pain and chest congestion. Nonetheless, ginger forms a very effective home remedy against bronchitis.


Almonds are very commonly used to ease the people suffering from bronchitis. They contain calcium, magnesium and potassium. These minerals are known to strengthen the immunity of the body. This helps the body in fighting against the infection causing microbes.

These microbes affect the respiratory tract, which causes swelling, soreness, pain, headache and breathing difficulty. Eventually, the sore throat, swelling and pain reduce with the consumption of almonds on a daily basis. Though, they are not instantaneous bronchitis relievers, but the relief offered by them is long lasting.


Onion juice is very powerful against the infection and inflammation caused due to bronchitis. Onions contain phlegm curbing agents, which is why they help in easing all the symptoms caused due to bronchitis. Flavanoids are the active ingredients in onion. Since they are anti-viral, anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial, they effectively curb the pain caused due to bronchitis.

All the microbes are killed and flushed out of the system. This reduces inflammation. Reduced inflammation reduces pain, fever and chest congestion, all. This makes onion a very powerful and popular home remedy for bronchitis.

Home remedies are very powerful against chronic and acute bronchitis, both. However, severe symptoms like prolonged whooping cough, chest pain, increasing fever, headache and acute breathing difficulty should not be overlooked. Such conditions can either lead to certain complications like pneumonia or can be an indication of the same.

Therefore, it is advisable to consult a doctor when suffering from bronchitis. It is necessary, since the underlying health disorders that are an outcome of untreated bronchitis are very severe. In order to avoid any future complication, it is necessary to consult a doctor.

Some other home remedies that can effectively ease the problems caused due to bronchitis are honey, lemon, cinnamon, mustard oil, hot oil massage on the chest, cloves, rest and saltwater gargle.

preeti bhatt:
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