7 Effective Home Remedies For Dropsy

Dropsy is a condition in which water gets collected in the body in the body tissues, skin and cavities. This causes the body to swell. The most common body parts affected by dropsy are feet and legs. Dropsy can cause water retention in lungs and abdomen. The main cause of dropsy is taking a diet that contains a high amount of salt and sugar. Medicines for hypertension can cause dropsy. Diseases of heart and liver can cause dropsy. Kidney disease and varicose veins can also cause dropsy.

Some people have dropsy due to hot weather when the body removes fluids in a slow manner. Pregnancy and menopause can also lead to dropsy. People who have dropsy should take supplements of calcium and Vitamin B. Take supplements of antioxidant vitamins and thiamine. Take a diet consisting of protein rich foods. Take carbohydrates in limited amounts. Home remedies can help in curing dropsy. The best home remedies for dropsy are as follows.

Best Home Remedies for Dropsy

Avoid Salt and Contaminated Oil

If you have dropsy, you should avoid salt. Salt can cause water retention. It worsens the symptoms of dropsy. Foods like pizza and pickles have a high amount of salt.

You should avoid these foods. Avoid hot dogs as it contains too much salt. Stop using contaminated cooking oil. Do not use unbranded mustard oil that is sold open unpacked.

Keep The Legs Elevated

People who have dropsy should keep the legs in an elevated position. This will help in an easy circulation of blood to the blood due to the force of gravity. You should take bed rest. You can wear support stockings as it helps in increasing blood circulation, thus preventing dropsy. You should take period walks.


If you have dropsy, you should eat pineapple. Pineapple contains chlorine, which helps in stimulating the kidney and helps in removing waste material. You should take pineapple regularly as it helps in resolving water logging and saturation problems.

Lemon Water

People who have dropsy should drink lemon water. You can mix lemon juice in salads. You can also apply lemon juice externally. Dip a towel in lemon water, squeeze it and cover the abdomen with this towel.

Take Fluids

If you have dropsy, you should increase the intake of fluids. Drink water and herbal tea. Fresh juice can help in curing dropsy. Drink orange juice or apple juice. You can also drink grape juice. Drink coconut water. These fluids will help in curing the symptoms of dropsy.


Take fast for 5 days. During this time, you should take only vegetable juice. For the first five days, take juice mixed with equal amount of water. Take enema with warm water while remaining on a juice fast. It will cleanse the bowels.

Take bath with hot water. For the next 3 days, take only fruits. Choose fruits that are juicy like apple and pineapple. You can eat papaya and apple. Take fruits after every 5 hours. After this, you can take a normal diet, consisting of fruits and vegetables. The fruits should be fresh and the vegetables should be raw.

Do Exercises

You can prevent water retention by moving around. Swimming is a very good remedy for dropsy as it expels liquids from the body through the pressure exerted by water while swimming. Do exercises daily and do walking. Even doing household chores will give you relief.

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