12 Effective Home Remedies For Insomnia

Insomnia is a very common sleep disorder that doesn’t allow people to stay asleep or fall asleep. This leads to poor performance in the daytime, fatigue, depression, headaches and more. Insomnia is usually of two basic types- acute or chronic. Chronic insomnia lasts for several months or sometimes longer and acute insomnia lasts lasts for just a few days or a few weeks. The best way to fight insomnia is through home remedies.

Here Are Some Effective Home Remedies For Insomnia:

Home Remedies With Cumin Seeds

Take a mashed banana and mix one teaspoon of powdered cumin seeds. Consume this before going to sleep at night. Another option, take one cup of water and one teaspoon of cumin seeds. Boil the water in low flame for 5 minutes, strain and drink the liquid. For effective results, try this remedy once or twice a day.

Fight Insomnia With Nutmeg

Take about one eight tablespoon of nutmeg powder or just a pinch of nutmeg powder. Add it to one glass of milk, mix well and drink it. Alternatively, take one cup of Indian gooseberry juice and add half teaspoon of nutmeg powder. Drink this to bring relief from insomnia.

Hot Shower/ Bath To Control Insomnia

A hot water bath or a hot shower is another effective home remedy against insomnia. Fill the bath tub with lukewarm water and soak the body completely into the tub. Take this bath several hours before going to sleep. It relaxes the muscles and helps get good sleep. Another option, add a few drops of lavender oil in the bath water for good relief from insomnia.

Using Bottle Gourd To Stop Insomnia

Bottle gourd is an excellent home remedy against insomnia. Just take the bottle gourd juice, add about one teaspoon of sesame oil. Make sure both the ingredients are in equal proportion. Massage the scalp with the mix before going to sleep. It provides long lasting relief from insomnia.

Controlling Insomnia With Poppy Seeds

Take one teaspoon of coconut powder, one teaspoon of white poppy powder and add some water. Mix these well to make a paste and consume it. Take a frying pan and add butter in it along with turmeric and cumin powder. After one minute, mix the paste in this and add salt as per taste.

Saffron For Insomnia

Saffron is another excellent home remedy that works for insomnia. Take one glass of warm milk and add two strands of saffron in it. Mix it well and drink this before going to bed at night. Try this remedy every day for effective results against insomnia.

Honey And Apple Cider Vinegar

Both apple cider vinegar and honey work well to cure insomnia. Take one glass of lukewarm water and add one teaspoon of honey and one teaspoon of apple cider vinegar. Mix it well and consume. Another option, mix two teaspoons of apple cider vinegar in half cup honey and consume it.

Cure With Celery

Celery helps reduce stress and relax the nervous system. Due to this reason it is a good remedy against insomnia. Crush the celery leaves along with the stalk to extract the juice. Add this juice to one tablespoon of honey, mix well and consume it. Take this every day before going to sleep.

Treatment Of Insomnia With Fenugreek Juice

Fenugreek is a good home remedy against insomnia that works by inducing sleep. Take about two tablespoons of fenugreek leaf juice. Add about one teaspoon of honey and mix well. Consume this before going to sleep, daily. For quick relief from insomnia try this remedy till insomnia is cured.

Home Remedy With Chamomile Tea

Chamomile is a good remedy that helps get good sleep and cure insomnia. Take one teaspoon of chamomile leave and add it to one cup of water. Bring the water to boil. Allow it to steep for some time, strain, add one teaspoon of honey and drink the tea. It gives good relief against insomnia.

Using Lemon To Fight Insomnia

Take one lemon and cut it into slices. Add the lemon slices to one cup if lukewarm water. Also, add one teaspoon of honey. Mix well and drink it several times a day. For effective results, drink this herbal tea before going off to sleep.

Remedy With Aniseed

Take half a litre of water and add one teaspoon of aniseed in it. Boil the mixture for about 5 minutes. Steep it for a few minutes, strain the liquid and drink it. Drink it warm before going to sleep or after a meal.

These are the best home remedies to cure insomnia.

Subrat Dhal:
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