12 Effective Home Remedies For Joint Pain

can bring the life of an otherwise healthy person to a standstill, the afflicted person’s performance goes down. Dependence on painkillers seem the only resort . However, one needs to look at the holistic way of treatment,  as to avoid the serious side effects.

Best Home Remedies For Joint Pain Relief

Steam Bath

Steam bath is  helpful for joint pains. The warmth of steam helps improve the blood circulation, which in turn makes the knee joint to rejuvenate and thereby it feels much better.

Hot Therapy

Hot pack or hot compress is meant to relax  the stiff joint, so that it can move easily.  There are many methods of administering the heat therapy. You can use a heating pad or a heat pack or a water bottle. You can also soak your painful joints in infused water or you can think of putting soaked towel.Whatever you may do, take care that the temperature is bearable and it does not burn the skin. The time duration for one hot treatment is 20 minutes. You can take this treatment twice or thrice a day.

Cold Therapy

The joints that are red and feel hot and give a burning feeling, can be given cold therapy. In addition the swollen joints also respond well to cold treatment, their swelling reduces upon taking this. Cold therapy reduces the inflammation which results in decreased pain.

It is easy to administer this therapy. Take some ice in a big piece of cloth and put ice, fold the ice inside the cloth and use it. Or think of soaking a towel in cold water and keeping it on the affected joint. Take care of your skin, you may keep  a piece of cloth on the joint before you put the cold compress, so that the skin is not exposed to so low a temperature.The time duration for this therapy also should not be more than 20 minutes.

Make Cayenne Pepper Cream

Capasaicin, the organic compound that is found in cayenne peppers is helpful in relieving joint pain. In fact you can make your own pain ointment at home. Take any white cream, put a pinch or two of cayenne pepper into it, mix it well. Check the color of the cream, it should turn pink, because of the redness of pepper. Apply this cream on the painful joints.

Cayenne pepper can irritate your skin, so use it in very little quantity. You can also use coconut oil or lanolin or cocoa butter, instead of a white cream.It can be used to  make  herbal soaking water by mixing ½ tsp of cayenne pepper powder and a cup of apple cider vinegar  in 2 to 4 liters of water. Soak your painful hands or feet into this for 15 to 20 minutes. You may like to rinse with warm water after the treatment. Wipe and cover them with some cloth.

Stinging Nettles Tea

Stinging nettles tea made from the fresh leaves or the dried leaves is useful for the joint pains. One can drink this tea, hot as well as cold, it can also be used as a wash for the painful joints.

Wintergreen Oil

Its composition matches very closely with that of aspirin, since its main organic constituent is methyl salicylate. The oil is helpful in relieving joint pain. Wintergreen oil is meant only for application, never for ingestion. Those who are allergic to aspirin should not apply wintergreen oil.British pharmacopoeia lists wintergreen stem and leaf as useful for rheumatoid arthritis. When buying this oil, check for its purity. If the label mentions methyl salicylate or liquid aspirin, then it is pure oil and will be effective.

Lemon Grass Oil

This essential oil removes the accumulated lactic acid, thereby giving the suppleness and thus reducing tension within the joint muscles.

Rosemary Oil

Rosemary oil helps reduce the pain of the joints, when it is rubbed on the joints.

Eat Garlic Cloves

Fry a few cloves of garlic in butter. Eat 2 to 4 cloves everyday with warm milk or warm water. Another way of using garlic is to make garlic oil for massage.Heat any pure oil, maybe sesame or olive oil. Put a few peeled garlic cloves into it, let it remain on fire till the garlic cloves turn brown. Use this oil for gentle massage thrice a day, with all the goodness of garlic steeped into it.

Fenugreek Seeds

Fenugreek contains diosgenin. Diosgenin is a substance that can help in the treatment of joint pain due to arthritis. In Ayurveda, the traditional medicine system of India,  fenugreek is prescribed for gout and rheumatoid arthritis. Fenugreek seeds prove very beneficial for many people afflicted with joint pains. There are many ways of taking them. One can soak 1 tsp of seeds in water overnight, and eat them in  the morning along with water. Fenugreek reduces the uric acid of the joints. 

Another method is soaking 1 tsp of fenugreek seeds in water and the next morning making an infusion and drinking. The soaked seeds can also be cooked in milk, till the liquid gets reduced to half. Sugar can be added for taste. It is sufficient o take one dose per day and that too on an empty stomach. Grind the  soaked seeds  to a paste and apply on the aching joint to treat it for pain. Its powder can also be taken, one tsp at a time, once a day, with water. Fenugreek does not have any significant side effects.

Turmeric powder

Turmeric contains an organic compound called curcumin. Curcumin has many medicinal properties. Turmeric powder can be taken one tsp twice a day with a cup of milk. The swelling and the pain of the joints gets reduced with this.Turmeric is used regularly in many oriental cuisines. In Indian subcontinent, it used in almost all the vegetables, meats, lentils and curries. While buying, must check that you are buying pure turmeric powder.

Devil’s claw

Devil’s claw a native of Southern part of Africa and  grows in Savannah and Madagascar. It has been a part and parcel of folk medicine of Africa. Very well known for its anti-inflammatory properties, no wonder many studies have been done on this plant. Al the studies found it to be helpful in joint pains.

Devil’s claw roots are used for topical application. Its products are being sold in the French markets for pain-relieving quality. Commission E of Germany has approved the use of its root for arthritis pain. Recommended dose is 1 tsp root in 250 ml water. Soak it overnight and take the strained liquid in the morning. One dose a day is enough. For best results consume it for 2 to 3 months. Side effects and risks are almost nil. However, those with gastric problems can check with their therapist.

Other remedies

There are many other very good anti-inflammatory herbs that can be used to relieve joint pain, like Ginger and  cat’s claw.


M Nandini:
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