9 Effective Home Remedies for Leaky Gut


Leaky gut is a medical condition that is said to occur when the intestinal lining gets damaged. When this happens, the intestinal lining loses its permeability to filter nutrients for the body’s absorption. The damage caused to the intestinal lining would also reduce its capability to protect the inner layers of the intestines, and prevent their contents (including waste, bacteria and other toxins) from leaking out into the bloodstream.

Leaky Gut

And when this happens, then the concerned individuals would start suffering from several chronic gastrointestinal problems which would be triggered by the body’s autoimmune response to the leaky gut. Leaky gut can also cause other more serious disorders like inflamed bowel syndrome, Crohn’s disease, celiac disease and rheumatoid arthritis etc.

Home Remedies For Leaky Gut

Severe cases of leaky gut would have to be treated medically. However, mild cases can be controlled to an extent with the help of certain home remedies that also play vital roles in handling the symptoms of the condition. Given below are some of the more common home remedies for leaky gut.

Chamomile Tea

Drinking at least 2 cups of chamomile tea is known to benefit individuals suffering from a leaky gut. The substances in the tea act as natural relaxants and helps to reduce symptoms like stomach pain, bloating, flatulence and cramps associated with the condition. The tea also helps to reduce stress and anxiety that are often related to stomach ailments.

Chamomile Tea

Peppermint Tea

Drinking peppermint tea is also considered as a very effective home remedy for leaky gut and its symptoms. In addition to promoting bile secretion for improved digestion, the substances present in peppermint tea would soothe the intestinal walls and eradicate the toxins and bad bacteria in the intestines, thereby preventing them for leaking out of the intestines into the bloodstream. This in turn would lower the infection to a great extent and bring down the symptoms of the condition as well. At least 2 glasses of peppermint tea every day can be considered beneficial in treating leaky gut.

Peppermint Tea

Foods Rich In Fiber

Unhealthy food choices would lead to several stomach related ailments, including leaky gut with time. The best way to thwart this is to opt for healthier and more nutritious foods to keep the gut healthy and fit. Eating foods rich in fiber for instance, can help treat all kinds of stomach and intestinal disorders.

Fiber helps to move the food faster through the digestive tract, thereby preventing blockages that could lead to leaky gut. Foods rich in fiber can also help to provide the body with essential antibiotics, living enzymes and phytonutrients to combat the bad bacteria present in the gut. With the harmful microorganisms out of the picture, the gut would have space and time to heal properly.

Foods Rich In Fiber

Foods Rich In Antibiotics

Foods rich in antibiotics can play a vital role in treating leaky gut and its symptoms. These foods would help to get rid of harmful microorganisms from the colon while cleansing the same. This in turn would prevent these harmful pathogens from destroying the intestinal linings.

Accordingly, some of the best natural sources of natural antibiotics one can opt for include onions, radishes, garlic, leafy vegetables like broccoli and cabbage, ginger, leeks and fenugreek etc. Daily consumption of these fruits would ensure a parasite free colon which in turn would treat leaky gut effectively in addition to preventing recurrences.

Foods Rich In Antibiotics

Foods Rich In Probiotics

Eating foods rich in probiotics can also treat leaky gut and its symptoms effectively. Probiotics are living microorganisms that supply the body with plenty of good bacteria. The good bacteria can then fight off the bad bacteria inhabiting the stomach and intestines.And this would promote a quick recovery from the condition. Some of the best natural sources of probiotics include yogurt and other fermented foods, and dietary foods or supplements.

Foods Rich In Probiotics


Inadequate consumption of water can lead to several health related ailments, including leaky gut. Drinking at least 10 glasses of water every day (more for individuals suffering from bowel disorders) can aid in flushing out the harmful toxins in the stomach and intestines, thereby reducing the symptoms of leaky gut. Less amount of water in the system would lead to chronic dehydration which would in turn inhibit regular bowel function and aggravate bowel disorders.

In the long run, this would lead to conditions like leaky gut. As much as water is needed by the system to treat leaky gut, drinking pure water is considered best when compared to beverages like coffee, tea, sodas, alcohol and sugary drinks as these would dehydrate the body and aggravate the symptoms of an existing condition.



Adding more ginger to daily meals can be considered very effective in treating leaky gut syndrome in individuals. Accordingly, chewing on raw ginger or drinking ginger tea would yield desirable results. With absolutely no side effects at all, ginger contains potent healing properties that help to reduce the irritation and inflammation caused in the intestinal lining due to leaky gut.Ginger also contains potent anti-oxidant properties that help to get rid of toxins, harmful bacteria and other microorganisms inside the intestines. This would prevent these toxins and pathogens from entering the blood stream.



Eating a few cloves of raw garlic every day can effectively treat leaky gut and its symptoms. In addition to reducing the cholesterol and blood pressure levels in the body, garlic helps to remove excess yeast (a direct cause of leaky gut) from the stomach and intestines.Eating garlic everyday can also aid in maintaining a healthy gut as it helps to balance the stomach bacteria. This in turn would treat leaky gut effectively and prevent recurrences.


Eating Habits

The way we eat can also play an important role in treating a leaky gut. Improved digestion can help thwart leaky gut and its symptoms. For this, one would need to eat slowly, making sure to chew the food properly instead of gobbling it down in a hurry. He/she should also take small bites instead of gorging down on the food.

Instead of eating large meals, he/she could break them down to smaller, more frequent meals throughout the day. He/she should also avoid drinking water in between meals as this would dilute the stomach acids and make them less effective in digesting the food.

Eating Habits