Effective Home Remedies For Nephritis

Nephritis Nephritis occurs when the nephrons in the kidneys become inflamed. This disease though more common in childhood and younger ages of life can affect people of all ages. The kidneys become severely inflamed and the glomerular structure is disturbed with inflammatory cell proliferation. The glomeruli are tiny units within the kidney where the blood is filtered and cleaned. When the nephrons become inflamed the glomeruli receive a reduced blood flow, leading to reduced urine output.

This causes retention of waste products. Sometimes the blood leaks out of the damaged glomeruli causing blood to appear in the urine. The major symptoms are pain in the kidneys that extends down to the uterus, back pain, fever, scanty urine that is cloudy or highly colored due to blood, swelling in the ankles and feet and puffiness in the face. When this disease progresses to a chronic stage, large amounts of albumin which is a protein made by the liver is passed through the urine.

Best Home Remedies For Nephritis

Carrot Juice

Nephritis is mainly caused by improper and wrong dietary habits. A diet which lacks adequate amounts of vitamins, minerals, fiber and bioflavonoids leads to excessive use of chemical substances for the treatment of indigestion and other digestive disorders. These chemicals inflame the kidneys and cause nephritis.

Carrot Juice

Extract the juice of fresh carrots till you get one glass of it. Add one teaspoon of lemon juice and one teaspoon of honey and drink this juice every morning on an empty stomach. Carrots are extremely rich in vitamins and minerals which improve the health of the kidneys as well as the overall body.



Amla supports the kidneys and enhances the function of the urinary system. It has natural diuretic action which helps to eliminate the waste from the kidneys. It also helps to reduce the inflammation in the kidneys by stimulating the blood circulation. Extract the juice of fresh amlas till you get half a cup of it. Add one teaspoon of honey and drink this juice every morning on an empty stomach.


Bananas are very effective in treating nephritis. They are not only packed with key nutrients that give vital energy to the body but also aid digestion and keep the bowel clean and healthy.


Bananas are high in potassium and carbohydrate and are low in proteins and salt which is very helpful in treating nephritis. A diet of only bananas should be taken for three days by consuming seven or eight bananas per day.

Epsom Salt

Epsom Salt

Fill your bathtub with hot water and dissolve two cups of Epsom salts into it. Soak your entire body for half an hour to induce elimination of the toxins through the skin as much as possible. Use this soak every alternate day.



Swallow two or three cloves of garlic every morning on an empty stomach. Garlic has powerful antioxidant properties which will remove all the harmful free radicals and detoxify the body thoroughly thus reducing the strain on the kidneys. Its anti-inflammatory properties will help to reduce the pain and swelling and restore the glomerular structure.

Photo credit: http://alternativehealthcarenews.blogspot.in/2009/07/health-fitness-care-articles-nephritis.html