5 Effective Home Remedies For Palpitations

5 Effective Home Remedies For Palpitations

Remedies For PalpitationsRemedies For Palpitations

Palpitations are feelings of thumping or pounding in the chest. These sensations can also be felt in the throat or neck. When you have palpitations you become acutely aware of your own hammering heartbeats and feel like your heart has skipped or stopped beats. Palpitations are often caused by deep anxiety, excessive stress, abnormal fear, an electrolyte abnormality in the blood, an abnormal heart valve, excessive intake of caffeine or nicotine, illegal drugs and fever.


Too much gas in the stomach and constipation can also lead to palpitations. Too much consumption of chocolates or other sugary foods raises the blood sugar level suddenly- this also can cause palpitations. Under duress the heart beats abnormally and causes palpitations. Normally the heart beats sixty to hundred times per minute. During palpitations the heart beats faster in an abnormal rhythm leading to pain in the chest, shortness of breath, dizziness, lightheadedness and profuse sweating.

Best Home Remedies For Palpitations

Honey and Lemon

Take a glass of warm water and squeeze the juice of one lemon into it. Stir in one teaspoon of honey and drink this mixture two or three times daily. Lemons are rich in vitamin C which is a powerful antioxidant and which removes all the harmful free radicals detoxifies the blood and the body. Honey instantly calms the agitated mind and the heart. This mixture will also keep the entire digestive tract in good health and in good functioning order.

Chamomile Tea

Chamomile tea is one of the best remedies for palpitations. It has powerful soothing and calming effects on the mind as well as the heart and alleviates the undue stress or anxiety swiftly.

Boil a cup of water and steep one teaspoon of dried chamomile into it for ten minutes. Strain the tea and drink three to four cups of it daily. Drink one cup especially before going to bed so that you have a good night’s sleep and rest.


Peppermint has potent cooling and calming powers. It can soothe the troubled mind and alleviate the unnatural fears and anxieties. Its antioxidant properties scavenge all the harmful free radicals and expel them from the body. Boil a cup of water and steep one teasppon of dried peppermint into it for ten minutes. Strain the tea and add one teaspoon of honey to it. Drink this tea three or four times regularly.

Indian Gooseberry

Amla nourishes the brain and supports the heart. It improves the blood circulation and keeps it free from all toxins and other impurities. Grate two amlas and mix one teaspoon of honey with it. Eat this mixture every morning on an empty stomach. If fresh amals are not available then you can swallow a teaspoon of dried amla powder with a glass of water every morning.

Holy Basil

Tulsi is great for healing the mind as well as the body. It promotes a feeling of calm and tranquility and strengthens the heart. Boil a cup of water and add four or five tulsi leaves to it. Boil for half a minute then let the tea stand for ten minutes after which strain it drink it three times daily.

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