Facts About Foot Reflexology

Reflexology is the alternative treatment that involves application of pressure to specific points and areas of hands and feet with specific thumb, finger, and hand techniques without the use of oil, lotion or cream. The logic behind providing pressure on various body points is that each point corresponds to organs and systems and pressing them has a beneficial effect on the body. For example, reflexology states a specific point for thyroid gland on the palm (below the thumb). When reflexology therapist presses the point using thumb or fingers, it improves the functioning of the thyroid gland.

Here Are Some Facts About Foot Reflexology:

Cure Diseases

Many people have been benefited with this therapy when used it for diseases like anxiety, asthma, cancer, cardiovascular issues, diabetes, headaches, kidney function, PMS, and sinusitis. Hands and feet pressure points are generally used for reflexology treatment. Practitioners usually used fingers or thumbs to put pressure. Alternatively, items such as rubber balls, rubber bands, stick of wood are also used.

How It Works

Foot reflexology deciphers the ancient principle that all organs and glands in the body are connected to the reflex points on foot. Foot represents the body with ten reflex zones. The foot reflexology chart reflects reflex zone corresponding to a body part. Exerting pressure on these points reduces and eliminates blockage improving the functionality of the corresponding glands or organs.

Foot Reflexology Technique:Foot reflexology is mostly performed using thumb walking. It is performed following the given steps. Thumb walking technique:

• Bend your thumb and put pressure with the thumb. Bend your body towards the foot while exerting pressure.
• Move up and release the pressure and straighten your thumb.
• Release the pressure several times to continue thumb walking.


Foots reflexology treatment has many benefits on health. As mentioned above, foot reflexology is used to treat many diseases. The treatment is completely safe as it does not involve in intake for any medicines that many react negatively in the body. However, it is sort of holistic treatment that just works on the science of nerve stimulation. Apart from treating diseases, it is also used for regular health benefits like: reduces anxiety, improve sleeping hours, energizes the body, improves concentration, increases blood circulation, and relaxes the body.

Shweta Saha:
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