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In this modern complex world everybody is struggling hard in their lives to reach to their own destinations, but this journey is not at all easy and every step is full of uncertainty or risk and the fear of losing our dreams or failure often leads us to stress or anxiety. The symptoms of anxiety are little vague as agitation, short breathings, weariness, insomnia, nausea, indigestion, lack of concentration, headache etc. they could appear all of a sudden or continue to stay for long-term.
Though there are no particular reasons for anxiety, but it occurs when you are surrounded by many negative feelings which may come from excess workload, high expectation in education matters, problems in relationships, failure in achieving the ambition etc.
From children to adults anybody could be affected by the problem. Sometimes we could handle it but sometimes it goes beyond that and affects both our physical and mental health (panic attack) as well as interferes in our daily work.
Various Diet Treatment For Anxiety
People undergo different medical treatments to get rid of this problem but there are certain foods which can reduce anxiety in a very effective way without consuming ill-tasted medicines. Here are some of the examples.
Whole Grain Foods
Whole grain foods as bread, rice, pasta, etc. can be included in regular diet as these foods preserve a great amount of carbohydrate which helps to increase the serotonin levels that reduces stress and brings a pacifying effect.
Blueberries are not only yummy fruits but also a reliever to your many health problems including stress or anxiety. Blueberries possess a high level of anti-oxidants and essential vitamins which work as an anti-stress drug.More over blueberries are also a store house of fiber which eliminates constipation or body ache problem which often appears due to excess stress. So you can add blueberries to your regular diet and intake them raw, or with dessert or for breakfast to alleviate anxiety problems.
Very few people are aware of the wholesome benefits of almonds on human health. Almonds preserve a great amount of Zinc, vitamin B2, vitamin E, iron, good fats, magnesium etc. At one hand the antioxidants in ‘vitamin E’ cuts off the harmful radicals from the body.On the other hand, the ‘good fats’ provides the essential nutrients to the body, the ‘iron’ reduces exhaustion of the brain and increases the energy level. While on the other hand, magnesium or Vitamin B etc. release stress. You can consume a handful of almonds daily to keep worries and stress away.
One of the tempting way to keep off your anxiety could be eating chocolates, yes its true. Chocolates minimize the secretion of stress hormone (cortisol ), which generates anxiety or stress. So you can undoubtedly relish a chocolate. But make sure it is a darker one and without sugar or milk. These chocolates are also known for promoting good mood.
Broccoli can also come for rescue when you are suffering from anxiety. Broccoli contents vitamin B compounds as folic acid. This folic acid works as an anti-stress ingredient and reduces stress, anxiety or disappointment. You can consume it in fried form or with chicken or fish.