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Thyroid is an important gland situated in the bottom of the neck and it secretes two of the most important hormones – T3 (triiodothyronine) and T4 (thyroxine) – necessary for transferring energy to various cells. Multiple disorders like hypothyroidism, Hashimoto’s disease, hyperthyroidism, etc. render the thyroid incapable of functioning properly.
Diet plays a crucial role in regulating the functioning of thyroid gland since it cannot be cured altogether through few drugs or surgery. Here are some of the best foods that one should include in the diet to cure thyroid problems.
Best Food To Cure Thyroid
One of the effective ways to keep the thyroid gland healthy is to provide adequate amounts of iodine to the body. Kelp and other such seaweeds are great sources of iodine. Iodine deficiency renders the thyroid gland incapable of producing enough hormones. Kelp normalizes symptoms of thyroid diseases such as increase in weight and congestion in the lymph system. Besides, kelp contains natural flavor-enhancing substances that negates the use of common salt. It also purifies blood and is beneficial for health of adrenal gland and pituitary gland.
Coconut Oil
Coconut oil or coconut butter contains fatty acids that can be efficiently metabolized by the body unlike the fats present in dairy and meats. Coconut oil is also easily converted to energy. Polyunsaturated fats in commonly used oils adversely impact the thyroid gland.
Thyroid diseases occur when there is either excess or negative production of thyroid hormones and when tissues do not respond properly to the hormones. Unsaturated fats play a great role in preventing or altering tissue response to hormones secreted by thyroid gland. Since coconut oil does not contain such unsaturated fats, it does not inhibit the functioning of thyroid hormones. Also, thyroid hormones induce metabolic activities. Coconut oil enhances metabolism rate in the body thereby preventing thyroid diseases. You can either use coconut oil in cooking or simply swallow 2 tablespoons of it every day.
Sunflower Seeds
Sunflower seeds are highly rich in zinc. Zinc deficiency is closely connected to thyroid diseases because in the absence of enough zinc in the body, T4 hormone cannot be converted to T3. T3 hormone plays a crucial role in metabolism and accelerates new cell growth.Zinc deficiency is often the cause of hyperthyroidism in which TSH levels remains unregulated. Unregulated TSH levels lead to high blood pressure and heart palpitations.
Shellfish are rich natural sources of not only iodine but also omega-3 fatty acids. Hence, including shellfish in the diet solves double purpose.On one hand, shellfish would provide the body with sufficient iodine so that the thyroid gland functions normally and on the other hand it would offer omega-3 fatty acids that promotes heart health and prevents diseases like cancer. Other alternative to shellfish are haddock, sardines, haddock, mackerel, halibut, finfish, herring and halibut.
Turkey contains selenium that improves metabolism of hormone secreted by thyroid gland. Selenium boosts synthesis of thyroid hormone and promotes metabolism. Selenium adequacy in the body is also essential for preventing any damage to the thyroid gland, especially caused by excessive iodine exposure.Besides, turkey does not add up to the body weight being a lean protein. Selenium is also necessary for inhibiting other serious diseases such as cancer and many immune-affecting diseases.