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Are you concern about your health? Well, there can be nothing better idea than strengthening your immune system if you want to stay health and fine always. There are many good ideas of powering up your immune system naturally. Eating certain kinds of plant foods is one of the best ways among all. Below is the list of some effective plant foods to promote immunity. The foods mentioned below are good also for slowing down the process of aging.
Here Are Some Healthy Foods To Enhance Immune Level Of Your Body:
You might have not like the taste of garlic but you will be surprised to know that garlic is very beneficial for your health. If you want to strengthen your immune system, it is very important for you to take garlic regularly in your diet. Actually the allicin compound found in garlic is immune stimulating compound and increases the activity of white blood cells. Apart from this, garlic activates other immune cells also which control flu, fungal, bacterial and viral infections. You can consume garlic directly with water or take it with soup, salad or other dishes.
Whether you are suffering from fever or cold, ginger works best to offer you instant relax from ailments that occur due to cold. Cough, cold and sour throat is treated easily with ginger tea or ginger juice taken with honey. Anti inflammatory chemicals found in ginger such as shagol and gingerol increase blood circulation and relief in the problem of sinus. As ginger increases blood circulation of the body, the efficiency of cells to grab oxygen hikes simultaneously and cells become far active to fight with toxins and virus.
Mushroom is known as super food for increasing the immune power from centuries. Now scientists have proved this fact through their research. Actually, mushroom enhances the production of white blood cells and also activates them. This is why; mushroom is beneficial to treat the condition of microbial infection. Eating mushroom in winters keep you away from cold and flu. This edible fungi is good because it possesses the power of killing bacteria and virus. Even, mushroom is efficient of killing cancer cells. Eating mushrooms twice a week makes your immune system stronger and more powerful.
Strengthening your immunity is possible with onion. It is one of the leading plant foods. Like garlic, onion also possesses allicin. Apart from this, onion also bears quercetin in increased amount and dissolves cough accumulated in chest. It increases blood circulation and helps in treating summer ailments. You can consume raw onion in salad also.
Green Tea
If you are also among those million people who want to increase their immune power naturally, you should drink up to 5 cups of green tea daily. Even avoid taking the milk based tea and consume green tea instead. Some special anti-oxidants found in green tea such as polyphenols, catechin etc. these anti-oxidants are good not only for slowing the process of aging but also to control influenza and common cold. In this way, you can make your cells and molecules better. Apart from this all, some minerals area found in green tea which are good for your health.
So, you might have been happy to know that the leading plant foods for promoting immunity are available easily. You can even consider them adding in your diet regularly. In this direction, green salad is also a good option to be taken under consideration.