Great Diet Tips For Pregnancy Diabetes


Diet Tips For Pregnancy Diabetes Pregnancy diabetes, otherwise known as gestational diabetes, is not an uncommon case in pregnancy. Yes, it’s awful that along with the morning sickness, tiredness, back aches and growing belly, pregnancy diabetes comes as a double whammy. But, slightly relieving news is that only around 10% of pregnant women end up taking insulin.

This means you can control pregnancy diabetes by following a recommended diet chart and diet tips. Generally, this medical condition needs a diet that divides your calorie intake into about 45-50% carbohydrates, 25-30% protein and 20-30% of fat. Here are a few tips that will help you plan your pregnancy diabetes diet.

Various Diet Tips For Pregnancy Diabetes

Reduce The Intake Of Sugar

You will be well aware of this tip, isn’t it? But, you need to keep in mind that just like other types of diabetes, pregnancy diabetes also demands attention to the type of sugary food you eat.


It is not just candies, cakes, ice creams and pastries you should avoid, instead you should also know the amount of sugars in fruits and foods like bread and potatoes. What if you crave for some sweets? Go for fruits like apples, oranges or even sweet corn or peanut butter which are safer options.

Be Wary Of Those Carbs

For those who have gestational diabetes, special care needs to be taken on their carbohydrate consumption. This is because, once the carbs get digested, it quickly becomes glucose which raises the blood sugar levels even before insulin is produced to fight it.

So what needs to be done? Eat carbs that have enough fiber in it, such as wholegrain bread, avocado, apples, raspberries, blackberries and the like. Ensure that you include proteins in your breakfast instead of carbs, because in the morning insulin resistance is the maximum.

Choose Your Fats And Proteins

Your pregnancy diabetes diet should include about 15-30% of protein. Your doctor can tell you the appropriate amount based on your sugar levels. Don’t panic when you hear the word protein, as it may remind you of meat.


Know that legumes, beans, tofu, nuts and eggs are also excellent protein sources. As far as fats are concerned, it is highly recommended to go with the mono-saturated and polyunsaturated fats in olive oil, plant oils and even fish.

Fiber Helps A Lot

Fibrous food is something that can keep your pregnancy diabetes in control. Generally, body takes a long time to break down fibrous foods; hence it has time to deal with sugars in foods. Whole grains, broccoli, beans, lentils, vegetable soups and pear fruit are great choices for fiber food.

Breakfast Is King

One great way to regulate your sugar level is by eating a healthy breakfast. Porridge and wholegrain cereals are good options. This releases energy evenly and gradually. High protein foods such as low-fat yogurt or boiled eggs also help in controlling diabetes. It is better to avoid high Glycemic Index (GI) foods such as white toast, jam, sugary foods and drinks, and sugary cereals.


Meanwhile, try including low GI foods such as pulses, breads, cereals, vegetables and the like to your diet. You can also use olive oil or sunflower oils for cooking. Another most important point to note is that you should never skip meals. Eat it at the same time every day, which in turn helps your blood sugar stay stable.