7 Great Diet Tips For Women Over Fifty

7 Great Diet Tips For Women Over Fifty

Diet Tips For Women Over FiftyDiet Tips For Women Over Fifty

Someone has said it rightly-good nutrition and regular exercise keep aging away. Who wants to leave the opportunity of playing with grandkids, dance on new music or travel worldwide, but these are only possible with healthy heart, strong bones and perfect weight.

Though it’s crucial for graying years to continue with adequate weight, toned muscles and fitness, one can surely improve upon the emotional and physical being of oneself with changes in life style and diet. After all, life starts after 50 only for many of us.

Diet Tips For Women Over Fifty

Get Calcium

Calcium For Women Over FiftyCalcium For Women Over Fifty

According to doctors, women over fifty need to take 1,200 mg of calcium rightly balanced with magnesium and vitamin D every day. So start taking three to four servings of dairy products that are low-fat.Yogurt, hard cheese and milk are best choices along with orange juice, broccoli and legumes. This will make bones strong and limit the chances of osteoporosis.

Eat Natural

Packed snacks and cookies are definitely more tempting but what about the artificial flavorings and preservatives that your body can no longer take. So it’s better to opt for whole foods like whole grains, legumes, whole wheat pasta, oatmeal, brown rice, veggies and fruits of all available colors and alfalfa sprouts for their healthy content of antioxidants and fibers. These foods take longer time to process in intestines, so you are fuller longer.

Go Nuts Only For Vitamin E

Nuts are the brain foods to keep your brain active and focused. Just eating a handful of vitamin E enriched walnuts, almonds and cashew nuts will give you enough vitamins for youthful skin and shining hair, and at the same time will take care of extra calories too. You can add some unsalted pistachios to raise level of HDL cholesterol for healthy heart as well.

Green Tea

Green tea can actually help you maintain weight. Antioxidants rich green tea is a healthy option than to sip coffees and tea throughout the day. It contains polyphenols that guard the skin from UV rays of the sun too.

Buckwheat And Wheat Germ

Give buckwheat a try and it will certainly replace your need of going to botox treatments. Rutin present in the buckwheat seeds helps to regenerate collagen and elasticin in the body which naturally adds glamour to your skin. Wheat germ is again rich in zinc and aids generating new cells in the body. Try to consume these cereals at least once in a week to maintain youth.

Don’t Leave Your Chocolate

Dark chocolates are rich in antioxidants and natural caffeine as well. It acts as a stimulant for brain and body. So, go and satisfy your cravings for chocolates but limit yourself to two squares only.

Eat Mindfully

Follow this diet strategy- real food at regular intervals but chew for 20 times. This will help you get all the desired effects of the food you eat. Include mini meals instead of large meals and satisfy your hunger pangs with fruits, vegetables, nuts, sandwiches and salads of sprouts. Cut out too much of salt in the food to maintain blood pressure and limit yourself to have extra sugar in the form of soft drinks. These tips go a long way in maintaining your looks as well as your physical strength and you are ready to face sixties happily.

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