5 Herbal Remedies For Balding

In the current times of pollution, adulterated food, and unhealthy lifestyle patterns, balding has become a common phenomenon. A large number of men, women, and even young teenagers as well as kids have been seen to be suffering from balding and its ill effects.

There are a number of products available these days, however, none seem to solve the problem as they promise. Hey don’t worry! There are a lot of herbal remedies that are considered to be the best in this regard. They will surely give you result if you use them properly. Let us check out some valuable herbal remedies for balding!

Herbal Remedies For Balding


There are multiple ways to use henna to control hair loss and balding. Henna can be mixed with eggs and tea water and applied as a paste. It can be washed off after one or two hours with a mild shampoo.Henna leaves can also be boiled with mustard oil until the leaves are totally burnt. The liquid is to be strained and massaged onto the scalp regularly. This provides the necessary strength to the hair.

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Another herb that works in case of balding and even premature graying is amla. Gosseberry powder can be mixed and boiled with coconut or olive oil and the strained liquid may be massaged regularly onto the scalp to reduce balding.Also, one can mix gosseberry powder with henna and apply to the scalp. Another way to use gosseberry would be by consuming raw gosseberry. Also, gosseberry can be pound into a paste and applied directly on to the scalp and rinsed off after an hour or so.

Aloe Vera

This commonly found herb is well known as a cure for balding. You have to extract the aloe vera gel directly from the stem of the plant and apply it to the scalp. This can be rinsed off after two hours.Aloe Vera, not only stops hair fall but also helps in strengthening the roots and also helps boost hair growth. You can aply it twice or thrice a week for better result.


This is yet another commonly found herb that works wonders in case of hair loss and baldness. Rosemary can be used by taking it in the form of tea or it may also be infused with oil and later on massaged onto the scalp which helps in detoxification of the scalp and new hair growth. You can apply the oil mixed with rosemary on alternative days.


Known for its anti bacterial properties, neem works wonders for itchy, dry, and dandruff infected scalp and also in preventing balding. Neem can be taken in a variety of ways.It may be boiled with coconut oil and the infusion may be applied to the scalp and left overnight. Neem leaves can be taken in directly or in the form of juice. Also, a paste of the leaves may be applied to the scalp for an hour and washed off.

These were the few herbal substances that control balding and hair fall. However, along with these one must maintain a balanced diet, with emphasis on protein, healthy sleep and lots of intake of water as well as regular exercise to maintain hair strength and health.

Joyeeta Bose:
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