6 Herbal Remedies For Osteoporosis

Osteoporosis can be considered as the most common type of bone disease. Osteoporosis is also known as ‘’Porus Bone’’ or ‘’Bitter Bone’’ disease. Osteoporosis is a disease in which bones become weak or fragile. Osteoporosis occurs as a result of imbalance between new bone formation and old bone resorption.

The problem of osteoporosis may result in chronic pain, fractures, bone loss, dowagers hump and so on. An individual should consume calcium rich food items on a regular basis to avoid osteoporosis. Use of herbal remedies can also provide relief from osteoporosis.

Best Herbal Remedies For Osteoporosis


Flaxseed can be used as an herbal remedy for osteoporosis. You can consume flaxseed oil (1 tablespoon) on a daily basis to treat osteoporosis. Consumption of food items prepared with the use of flaxseed oil is recommended. Grinded flaxseeds (1 teaspoon) can also be consumed with a glass of water to reduce the pain resulting from osteoporosis.

Black Cohosh

Black cohosh is one of the most effective herbal remedies for osteoporosis. This herb is also known as ‘’Actaea Racemosa’’. Intake of a cup of tea prepared by boiling the juice extracted from black cohosh in water several times in a day can help in treating the symptoms associated with this disease. Dried black cohosh powder can also be consumed on a regular basis to obtain the desired results. Use of this herb may also help in boosting the bone formation in the body. This herb is not recommended if you are pregnant or suffering from liver disorders.

Red Clover

Red clover is another herbal remedy for osteoporosis. You can consume a cup of tea prepared with red clover 2 to 3 times in a day to reduce the bone loss due to osteoporosis. To obtain effective results, the juice extracted from red clover (2 or 3 teaspoons) can also be consumed on a daily basis. Consumption of this herb can also help in strengthening the bones. Further, this herb may increase the production of estrogen and reduce the risk of calcium loss in the body.


The problem of osteoporosis can also be treated with the use of horsetail. This herb is also known as ‘’Osteosil’’. Consumption of a cup of tea prepared with horsetail on a frequent basis can reduce the pain resulting from osteoporosis. You can also consume dried horsetail to obtain the desired results. This herb contains silicon which can help in reducing the loss of calcium.


Alfalfa is an effective herbal remedy to deal with osteoporosis. You can consume a glass of alfalfa juice multiple times in a day to obtain relief from osteoporosis. Intake of alfalfa sprouts 2 to 3 times on a daily basis can also give effective results.

Dandelion Root

Dandelion root can be used as an herbal remedy to obtain relief from osteoporosis. A cup of tea can be prepared by boiling dandelion root in water and consumed 2 to 3 times in a day to deal with the symptoms of osteoporosis . Consumption of the juice extracted from dandelion root multiple times in a day can also provide the desired results.

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