With increase in consumption of junk food, stomach pain has become a common problem nowadays. Some of the other causes of stomach pain can be consumption of food prepared in an unhygienic environment, consumption of less water (dehydration), stress, tension and so on.

stomach painstomach pain

In addition to these causes, stomach pain can also result from the problem of constipation, ulcers and so on. It is important to note that consumption of excess food can also cause stomach pain. Stomach pain can be cured with the use of various herbal remedies. However, it is generally advisable to consult a doctor in case of severe stomach pain.

Herbal Remedies To Treat Stomach Pain

Aloe Vera Juice

Consumption of aloe vera juice (extracted from the leaves of aloe vera plant) can be considered as one of the most effective herbal remedies to deal with the problem of stomach pain.Aloe vera juice may be highly effective in dealing with the problem of stomach pain resulting from peptic ulcers. It can also be used to deal with various stomach related problems like constipation, excessive gas, diarrhea and so on.

aloevera juicealoevera juice

Chamomile Tea

Consumption of chamomile tea can also help an individual in dealing with stomach pain. Chamomile tea can be prepared with the use of dry chamomile leaves and warm water. An individual can easily purchase chamomile tea from the market in case it is not possible to prepare the tea with the use of chamomile leaves. In order to obtain desired results, it is advisable to drink this tea atleast three times in a day.

Peppermint Leaves And Tea

Peppermint is another effective herbal remedy to treat stomach pain. Direct consumption of peppermint leaves can reduce stomach pain.In case it is not possible to chew peppermint leaves, an individual can drink peppermint tea prepared with the use of peppermint leaves and warm water.

Licorice Root

Consumption of licorice root can also help in reducing stomach pain. It is important to chew licorice in order to obtain best results. Herbal tea can also be prepared with the use of licorice roots. It is important to note that regular consumption of licorice in large quantity may result in high blood pressure. Therefore, it is generally advisable to use deglycyrrhizinated licorice.

Gentian Tea

Tea prepared with the use of gentian root and warm water can also help in the treatment of stomach pain. Regular consumption (three times in a day) of this tea can help in improving the overall circulation system of an individual.

Fennel Seeds And Tea

Just like licorice, raw fennel can also be chewed in order to deal with stomach ache. Consumption of fennel seeds after having a meal can help an individual in dealing with the problem of excessive gas formation. Besides, fennel tea can also be used as another herbal remedy to treat stomach pain and cramps.

Other Herbal Remedies

In addition to above mentioned herbal remedies, an individual can also drink sage herbal juice and teas prepared with herbs like lemon balm, valerian and so on in order to treat stomach pain.