6 Herbal Remedies For Stretch Marks


6 Herbal Remedies For Stretch Marks

Noticed those barely visible fine silvery white lines that normally appear after you have given birth to a baby or lost tremendous amount of weight? They are the stretch marks that develop due to the stretching of the skin.

Even rapid growth changes during adolescence time can lead to the visible stretch marks. If not taken care of these stretch marks may remain on the skin forever. There are some herbal remedies that can help lighten the marks, have a glance

Top Herbal Remedies For Stretch Marks

Aloe Vera

Head out for your kitchen garden and pluck a few succulent leaves of the Aloevera plant. The fleshy pulp of the aloe Vera leaves, and the gel that comes out can be applied on to the stretch marks and this will help lighten the skin.The skin can be hydrated to healthy levels and the damaged tissues can be taken care of by the aloe vera pulp. Another amazing way is that the gel also helps in tightening the skin.

Aloe Vera

Apricot Scrub

Exfoliation of the skin is a must to bring out the fresh skin hidden beneath. A scrub is an excellent way of exfoliation. An apricot scrub helps remove the damaged and dead cell tissues that make up most of the stretch marks by the process of exfoliation. The body tones up, the stretch lines disappear, when the skin gets firm with the exfoliating treatment.

Apricot Scrub

Aromatic Oils

The market is awashed with different aromatic oils. They not only have a great sweet smell but also have magical properties. Different oils like sweet almond and jojoba, chamomile, and avocado help in toning the skin and curing the stretch marks. When they are used along with oils like lavender they help in preventing the stretch marks from returning again.

Aromatic Oils

Lavender Oil

It is a must that new tissues come up skin to keep it supple and young looking. Application of Lavender oil, thrice a day to the stretch marks makes the stretch marks fade away by inducing the production of new skin tissues. At the moment this is the most recommended method of removing the stretch marks.

Lavender Oil

Cocoa Butter

This need to be applied liberally on the skin especially during the early stages of pregnancy and it should be continued till the last. This helps in the prevention of stretch marks appearing later. Timely application of cocoa butter means hydration for the parched skin and thus it helps in tone up the sagging tissues. Cocoa butter has some magical enzymes that save the skin cells from damage due to excess stretching.

Cocoa Butter

Chamomile Oil

Chamomile is a great Herbal remedy used for the treatment of stretch marks. It mixed with several other essential vitamins can provide an effective Herbal recipe. You can take some chamomile oil, lavender oil and avocado oil and add some vitamin E and A capsules to them.Use some lemon or potato juice on the marks to lighten them.Try these few suggestions and have a glowing pristine body. You may not be able to get rid of each one but their appearance can surely be lightened.

Chamomile Oil