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There are several home remedies that can help you fight against allergies quite effectively without worrying about any side effects. Following is a list of some of the most powerful home remedies for allergies. You can try one or all of them depending upon the type of allergies you are suffering from. These are completely natural and they do not even cost much.
How To Treat Allergies Naturally
Cucumber, Beet And Carrot Juices
Mix 300 ml of carrot juice with 100 ml of cucumber juice and 100 ml of beet juice. Drinking this mixed juice at least once every day can be very beneficial in treating allergies.However, consistency is the key to get the best results. Drink this juice daily for a couple of weeks and you will be able to see significant reduction in the intensity and symptoms of allergies. If you do not want to drink this combination, just drinking 500 ml of carrot juice daily can also prove to be very effective.
Lime contains anti-allergic and anti-toxic agents, which make it one of the most powerful home remedies for almost all types of allergies. Cut a lime in half and squeeze it in one glass of lukewarm water. You can also add one tsp. of honey into this mixture not just to add taste but also to make this remedy more effective. You can get rid of allergies almost completely if you drink this mixture first thing in the morning every day consistently for three to six months. However, this remedy is not at all recommended to those people who are allergic to citrus fruits.
Castor Oil
If you are suffering from skin allergies or the allergies of nasal passage and intestinal tract, castor oil can be a very good remedy for you. Get one cup of plain water and mix 4-5 drops of castor oil in it.Drink this mixture in the morning on an empty stomach. For faster and better relief, you are advised to use vegetable or fruit juice instead of plain water.
Reishi Mushroom
The powerful anti-inflammatory properties of reishi mushroom make it a very useful home remedy not only for hypertension and asthma but also for allergies. Taking it at least once every day can treat various types of allergies quite effectively.
Apple Cider Vinegar
Those types of allergies that cause nausea can be treated naturally by drinking the combination of one tbsp of apple cider vinegar and one tbsp of honey mixed in one glass of water. Drink this mixture once every day, preferably at night just before you go to bed.Another way to treat allergies that cause chest and nasal congestion is to boil apple cider vinegar mixed with water in equal quantities and then to inhale its fumes by leaning over the pan.
If you constantly suffer from asthma, digestive disorders or skin rashes, you can fight against these allergies quite efficiently by eating just one or two bananas every day. This home remedy is also very useful for those who are allergic to certain foods. However, there is a word of caution for those whose immune system is very sensitive. Such people should avoid this remedy.
Honey has been used as a home remedy since ancient times to treat certain types of allergies. Taking Just one or two tbsp of local honey mixed directly or drinking it after mixing it in a cup of water can be very beneficial.This remedy can be particularly more helpful for those who are suffering from pollen or other outdoor allergies. Bees prepare raw honey from local pollen. When your body gets it in small doses every day, it strengthens its natural ability to fight against allergies. Your body becomes less sensitive to allergies.
Chamomile is also used as a home remedy for allergies, especially to treat allergies related to cold. You can use it in various ways depending upon the specific nature of the allergy. For example, if you are suffering from an irritated throat, you can take chamomile tea. You can take it while the tea is either warm or cold – both are equally effective.
However, for better results, you are advised to mix one tsp. of honey into it. On the other hand, when it comes to treating itching, watery and puffy eyes, you should soak some sterile cotton balls in boiled chamomile tea (after it cools down) and put those cotton balls over your eyes. You will feel instant relief from the irritation.
For allergies that cause throat irritation, the remedies prepared with turmeric spice can prove to be very beneficial.Get one cup of warm milk and mix ½ tsp of turmeric powder into it. The symptoms can be treated quite effectively by drinking this mixture two times daily.
Nettle is relatively a recent discovery when it comes to its ability to treat allergies. The naturally occurring antihistamine that it contains makes it a very useful remedy for allergies. You can get it from health food stores, as they are easily available there in the form of freeze-dried leaves.
Saline Solution
You can buy saline solutions from your local drugstore. Alternatively, it can also be prepared at home by mixing a pinch of baking soda and one tsp. of salt in a cup of distilled warm water. This remedy is particularly very useful in treating upper respiratory allergies. You just have to pour one or two drops of the solution into one nostril at a time. The saline solution removes irritants that cause inflammation, congestion and other symptoms of allergies.
Last, but not the least, you can also treat allergies quite effectively by breathing steam. When you steam your face, it does not just clear the nasal passages of mucus, but it also soothes and refreshes irritated throat and sinuses. The best way to use this remedy is to drop a towel over your head and lean carefully over a bowl filled with several cups of boiled water. While you are steaming your face this way, you should breathe gently. Just doing it for five to ten minutes will make you feel relieved from the irritations caused by allergies.