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Amnesia is a condition in which the sufferer loses the ability to recall information that is stored in the memory or to memorize data. People suffering from amnesia have partial or complete loss of memory. This loss of memory occurs due to brain damage either by brain injury or due to use of specific drugs.
It can be also caused by some degenerative brain diseases. Everyone is forgetful of things or events now and then but it does not mean that they have amnesia. Amnesia involves large scale memory loss like forgetting one’s nearest and most loved ones, vital facts and other memorable events that are indelible till life and should not have been forgotten. Many people who have amnesia find it difficult to learn new information and form new memories as well as recall the past experiences and information. In anterograde amnesia, the patient is unable to assimilate and remember new information that ought to be stored in the short term memory and in retrograde amnesia the patient is unable to recall events that happened before the trauma but can remember everything that happened after it.
Amnesia Home Remedies
Holy Basil Or Tulsi
Holy basil has many medicinal values that heal the mind as well as the body and keep the functions of the brain in an upright order. People with amnesia suffer from forgetfulness and weak and poor memory.
Holy basil stimulates and enhances the mental powers and boosts memory. Boil a cup of water and add six to seven crushed leaves of holy basil to it. Boil for a couple of minutes then strain the decoction and drink three to four cups of it daily.
Walnuts are powerful antioxidants and are full of polyunsaturated fats. They also contain lecithin and vitamin B which have magnificent memory boosting powers. Eat a handful of walnuts first thing in the morning. You can also eat raisins and figs with the walnuts to get an extra boost of energy and memory power.
Bramhi has been used since centuries for improving the function of the brain and for enhancing memory. This magical plant has been named after Lord Brahma the creator of this universe-such are its amazing powers.
Boil a cup of water and steep one teaspoon of dried brahmi into it for ten minutes. When the infusion cools, strain it drink it on an empty stomach every morning. Also massage your scalp with brahmi oil every night for fifteen minutes.
Dates work as effective memory enhancers by providing vital nourishment to the brain. Boil six or seven dates in a glass of milk for five to ten minutes. Consume this mixture twice daily. Dates will stimulate the brain cells and will cure mental fatigue and forgetfulness.
Almonds are considered to be a super food for the brain. They not only improve the function of the brain but also sharpen the memory considerably.Soak fifteen almonds overnight. In the morning remove the skin and grind them to a fine paste. Eat the paste with some raisins every morning.