10 Home Remedies For Bloating


Home Remedies For Bloating

Occasional bloating may not be considered as a serious problem. However, it is important for an individual experiencing the problem of bloating on a frequent basis to obtain proper treatment.Some of the causes of bloating include improper eating habits, excessive consumption of oily and greasy food, lethargic lifestyle, smoking and so on.

Common symptoms of bloating include stomach cramps and abdominal pain that may last for a short period of time. Use of different home remedies can help an individual in reducing the discomfort resulting from bloating.

Home Remedies For Bloating


Ginger Tea For Bloating

Ginger can be considered as an effective home remedy for the problem of bloating. Regular consumption of a mixture prepared by boiling a small slice of ginger in a cup of water can give effective results. Eating raw ginger can also help in the treatment of bloating. Consumption of ginger as a part of various food items can also provide the desired results.

Drink Chamomile Tea

Chamomile Tea For Bloating

Chamomile tea is highly effective in the treatment of bloating. Consumption of chamomile tea before going to sleep at night can provide effective results.


Peppermint Tea For Bloating

An individual can drink a cup of peppermint tea after each meal in order to obtain relief from the problem of bloating. Another option is to prepare a mixture with the use of peppermint oil (4 drops) and cold water (1 cup). In order to obtain effective results, an individual should consume this mixture 2 times in a day.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple Cider Vinegar For Bloating

Apple cider vinegar can provide relief from different types of stomach related problems. Consumption of a mixture prepared with apple cider vinegar (1 teaspoon) and water (1 glass) with each meal can help an individual in dealing with the problem of bloating.

Fennel Seeds

Fennel Seeds For Bloating

Fennel seeds can be considered as one of the most effective home remedies for the problem of bloating. Chewing a teaspoon of fennel seeds after each meal can help in curing the problem of bloating.


Cinnamon For Bloating

Regular consumption of a mixture prepared by boiling a teaspoon of grinded cinnamon in a glass of water can help in obtaining relief from the problem of bloating. An individual can add honey to this mixture to improve the taste.

Lemon Juice

Lemon Juice For Bloating

Lemon juice can be considered as a highly effective home remedy for the problem of bloating. Consumption of a mixture prepared with the use of lemon juice (2 teaspoons) and water (1 glass) multiple times in a day can help an individual in treating the problem of bloating.


Dandelion Tea For Bloating

An individual can also drink a tea prepared with the use of dandelion and water to treat the problem of bloating. Consumption of food items containing dandelion can also provide relief from bloating.


Parsley For Bloating

Parsley can be used as an effective home remedy to treat the problem of bloating. Consumption of parsley as a part of food items can help an individual in dealing with the problem of gas formation and bloating.

Drink Lukewarm Water

Lukewarm Water For Bloating

Water can also be used as a home remedy for bloating. Consumption of lukewarm water after each meal can help an individual in curing the problem of bloating.