8 Home Remedies For Blood Pressure

8 Home Remedies For Blood Pressure

Home Remedies For Blood PressureHome Remedies For Blood Pressure Blood pressure is a very common problem these days. Men, women, adults and even children are developing the problem of high as well as low blood pressure due to the unhealthy lifestyle. Though, the problem is very common, but its ramifications continue to be as serious as they were before.Some of the most common causes of high blood pressure are tension, stress, obesity, kidney disorders, hereditary issues and unhealthy food. Some of the common causes of low blood pressure are dehydration, heart problems and endocrine diseases. Neurological problems and stress are two other major causes of low blood pressure. Pregnancy is one of the major causes of low BP in women. Various home remedies can help you in fighting back the problem of low and high BP, both.

Home Remedies For Low and High Blood Pressure


Mint For Blood PressureMint For Blood Pressure Mint is a very effective home remedy against the problem of high blood pressure. Mint leaves are not just flavoring agents. Their powder is used to cure hypertension i.e. high blood pressure. Chewing the raw mint leaves is also a good alternative.Mint helps in removing arterial plaque that is the major reason behind hypertension. With the successful reduction and gradual removal of plaque completely, the heart no longer needs to pump the blood faster. This reduces the pressure from the heart to pump at a faster rate in order to supply oxygen to the vital organs of the body.


Lemon works like an astringent for the skin, immunity booster for the body and capillary strengthener for the heart. Since it contains Vitamin C, the heart becomes less susceptible to the problem of hypertension. Vitamin C is the major ingredient that is required to make the capillaries stronger. Thus, lemon works like a supplement of vitamin C to the capillaries in the heart.

Since the capillaries become stronger, the heart does not need to pump faster and strongly to maintain the normal flow of blood and oxygen. Moreover, lemon also contains Vitamin P. Vitamin P helps in repairing any damage that has been caused to the arteries and veins due to excessive pressure. Thus, lemon always helps in lowering high blood pressure.


Garlic is the most effective home remedy to control and prevent the problem of high blood pressure. Garlic directly dilutes the accumulated cholesterol deposited on the walls of the arteries and veins. This opens the blockage that causes excessive pressure on the heart to pump blood in higher amount. This is the major reason that garlic is so effective against hypertension.The presence of allicin and adenosine in garlic are the two secrets behind its miraculous hypertension control property. Allicin is the active ingredient in garlic that produces hydrogen sulphide. Hydrogen sulphide eases the arteries, veins and capillaries by diluting the accumulated cholesterol.


Adenosine is the major component in onion. This component is a muscle relaxant. It eases the strained muscles and the heart needs not to pump aggressively in order to supply more oxygen to comfort the strained muscles.Moreover, onions also contain quercitin, which is an anti-oxidant. It interferes with the free radicals that exert the blood capillaries and neutralize them. Thereby, hypertension is automatically reduced via the consumption of onion slices and juice.


Higher sodium level in the body increases the chances of high blood pressure. On the other hand, potassium is a natural mineral that reduces high BP. Raw spinach juice is a natural supplement of potassium in the body, since it contains higher potassium level.Thus, it automatically reduces the problem of hypertension. Additionally, spinach also contains folate. Folate is an essential mineral that strengthens the blood vessels. Therefore, spinach is very good for people suffering from high blood pressure.


Dark chocolate helps with the problem of hypotension, which is also known as low blood pressure. Dark chocolate is a warehouse of antioxidants that can naturally cure hypotension. However, dark chocolate is also used in the cases of hypertension. This is because dark chocolates are blood pressure controllers. They can work either ways to keep the blood pressure under control.They can bring down the increased blood pressure by reducing the formation of bad cholesterol in the body, which gets deposited on the arterial walls otherwise. On the other hand, it increases the decreased blood pressure to the normal level in the patients suffering from hypotension.

Dark chocolate increases the production of nitric oxide in the patients suffering from hypotension. Since nitric oxide balances the hormonal secretion in the human body, the tense blood vessels ease and the problem of hypotension is put to rest. Nitric oxide is produced via the antioxidants present in dark chocolate.


Beetroot is another home remedy for the patients suffering from the problem of low blood pressure. Since beetroot contains iron, it can effectively bring up the reduced blood pressure. Iron helps in the formation of red blood cells, which increases the blood formation in the human body.Thus, consuming beetroot juice supplies iron to the body. This iron triggers the production of RBC’s. Therefore, blood pressure automatically increases and the problem of hypotension is controlled and cured.


Carrot contains beta carotene and potassium. Beta carotene reduces the risk of coronary diseases and heart stroke and potassium increases low blood pressure to the normal level. Thus, the presence of both these components in carrot makes it one of the best home remedies for treating hypotension naturally.

All the home remedies listed above are very powerful remedies that offer no side effects. However, it is always a wise decision to undergo proper and timely medical checkup in cases of hypertension and hypotension, both. Both these disorders are life threatening.Thus, proper medical advice is very essential. Always follow the diet chart offered by your dietician in order to avoid the consumption of any such food item that can possibly compromise your health. Additionally, the consumption of the home remedies listed above can do wonders in controlling and possibly curing your problem of improper BP.

Some other helpful remedies to control BP (high as well as low) are exercising regularly, avoiding alcohol and cigarettes and adopting a healthy lifestyle. Consumption of grape juice, gooseberries, almond and milk, banana, apricots, potato and watermelon are effective home remedies for hypertension. Breathing exercises on the other hand are good practices for people suffering from hypotension.

preeti bhatt:
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