9 Home Remedies For Edema

The problem of edema arises as a result of fluid retention in the tissues of the body. Edema was formerly known as dropsy or hydropsy. Common causes of edema include lack of physical activity, excessive consumption of salt, consumption of unhealthy diet, surgery, burns and so on. Edema can also result from arthritis, diabetes and thyroid. Common symptoms of edema include swelling, stiff joints, hypertension and so on. An individual suffering from the problem of edema should reduce the intake of salt. Use of different home remedies may help an individual in dealing with the problem of edema.


Remedies for Edema


An individual can consume a powder prepared by crushing flaxseeds to obtain relief from the problem of edema. This powder can be added and consumed as a part of various daily food items.Another option is to apply flaxseed oil on the affected area. This remedy can help in reducing the swelling resulting from edema. Further, flaxseed can be considered as one of the best home remedies for edema.


Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar can be considered as one of the most effective home remedies for edema. Consumption of apple cider vinegar (2 tablespoons) mixed in a glass of water on a daily basis can also help an individual in dealing with the problem of edema.

Apple Cider VinegarApple Cider Vinegar

Drink Warm Fluids

Consumption of warm fluids can also provide relief from the problem of edema.An individual can drink warm water or tea 3 to 4 times in a day to obtain quick results.

Coriander Seeds

An individual can also use coriander seeds to treat the problem of edema. A few teaspoons of coriander seeds can be boiled in water. An individual is required to filter the solution to remove the seeds and consume the water to obtain quick relief. This remedy is considered as one of the most effective home remedies for edema.

Mustard Oil

Mustard oil can also help in the treatment of swelling and pain resulting from the problem of edema. An individual is required to massage the affected area with warm mustard oil to obtain relief from the problem of edema.Another option is to apply a solution prepared with the use of mustard seeds (2 – 3 teaspoons) and water on the affected area.

Cabbage Leaves

An individual suffering from the problem of edema can wrap (with a cloth) some cabbage leaves on the affected area to reduce the swelling.

Drink Barley Water

Consumption of barley water on a regular basis can also help in the treatment of edema.It is advisable to drink barley water 3 to 4 times in a day to obtain effective results.

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