9 Home Remedies For Eye Wrinkles

Eye wrinkles can affect the overall personality of an individual. The problem of eye wrinkles can be observed in all age groups. Some of the daily activities that can cause eye wrinkles are squinting, laughing, rubbing and so on.Sun exposure and smoking can also result in the formation of eye wrinkles. Various simple and inexpensive home remedies can be used to treat the symptoms of eye wrinkles.

Effective Home Remedies For Eye Wrinkles

Mashed Strawberries

You can mix mashed strawberries in honey and apply this mixture around the eyes to deal with the problem of eye wrinkles. A mixture created by blending ripe strawberries (3 – 4), yogurt (1 tablespoon) and a few drops of olive oil can also be applied. It is important to remove this mixture only after 20 – 25 minutes with rosewater to obtain effective results.

Use Cucumber

You can apply grated cucumber around the eyes to treat the problem of eye wrinkles. Cucumber slice can also be placed on the eyes to reduce the wrinkles. The problem of eye wrinkles can also be cured by rubbing cucumber peel on the entire face.

Use Apricot

You can soak a few dried apricots in water for a few hours and keep these wet apricots over the eyes to remove small eye wrinkles. Applying a mixture created with the use of apricot pulp, lime juice and milk can also help in reducing eye wrinkles.

Wet Tea Bags

You can keep wet tea bags on the eyes to deal with the problem of eye wrinkles. Use of chamomile or green tea bags can give more effective results.

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Use Grapefruit

Application of grapefruit juice mixed with flour (2 – 3 tablespoons) and yogurt (1 tablespoon) around the eyes can also treat the problem of eye wrinkles. You can remove this mixture after 20 – 25 minutes of the application with lukewarm water. This mixture should be applied atleast 2 to 3 times in a week to obtain the desired results.

Bell Pepper

A mixture can be prepared with the use of a grated sweet bell pepper, milk (1 teaspoon), honey (1 teaspoon) and oatmeal (1 teaspoon). You can apply this paste with a cotton ball around the eyes. Removal of this mixture after 15 – 20 minutes (of the application) with lukewarm water or milk can provide effective results.

Rub Ice Cube

Rubbing the area around the eyes with ice cubes can help in reducing the eye wrinkles. This remedy should be used 2 to 3 times on a daily basis to obtain the desired results.

Use Honey

You can apply a mixture created with honey (1 teaspoon) and rice powder (2 teaspoons) around the eyes for treating eye wrinkles. This mixture should be kept applied for 20 – 25 minutes to obtain best results. Honey can also be mixed with ginger and applied to reduce the eye wrinkles. This remedy should be used 3 to 4 times in a week to get effective results.

Use White Beans

You can prepare a mixture of white beans (1 cup), lemon juice (2 teaspoons) and olive oil (2 teaspoons). Frequent application of this mixture can help in reducing the problem of eye wrinkles.

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