Home Remedies For Getting Pregnant

Pregnancy is a doorstep to motherhood. Every woman wants to experience this feeling at some or the other stage of her life. Similar is the situation with men as well. Fatherhood is a moment of inexplicable joy for men. Nonetheless, parenthood is one of the best feelings in the world for men and women, both.

However, sometimes certain problems bar people from experiencing the joy of parenthood. Most common causes that hamper women from getting pregnant are under sex, over sex, excessive lubrication, smoking, alcohol consumption over exercising and stress.

Almost the same causes decrease the sperm count and sperm motility in men, decreasing the sperm power of fertilizing women’s egg. These conditions do not necessarily need medical attention, since they can also be treated and fixed via certain home remedies. However, medical conditions like fertility problems delay pregnancy. They should be treated properly in order to get pregnant.

Best Home Remedies For Getting Pregnant

Plan Sex

Scientifically, the chances of fertilization are maximum 2 days before ovulation in women. Thus, the best home remedy for getting pregnant fast is planning sex according to the menstrual cycle. Having sex exactly 2 days before ovulation is the best time for a woman to get pregnant.

Instead of having too much sex, it is better to make a mark of the 10th day in the menstrual cycle. Having sex from the 10th day till the 12th day i.e. exactly 2 days before ovulation, is the best time to have sex for baby. Hence, planning sex smartly is the first and basic home remedy for getting pregnant.

Avoid Over Sex

Having too much sex decreases the quality of sperms. Sperms are much more active than eggs. Though, ejaculation every day can decrease sperm’s motility. Therefore, the second best home remedy for getting pregnant is planning sex once in every two days. When men ejaculate after a gap of 40 to 48 hours, the quality and count of sperms in semen improve manifolds.

Such sperms are highly capable of fertilizing the eggs easily. Following this home remedy can help you getting pregnant fast, without the need of undergoing any treatment for this purpose.


Exercising helps in burning the excess body fat. This helps you in remaining slim, which is very necessary for getting pregnant fast. Obese people are mostly certain to develop the problem of infertility or reduced fertility. It is for this reason that exercising is important in order to buck up your sex life. However, women should undergo mild exercises. Mild exercises ease the process of fertilization after having sex.

Exercises also regulate the hormonal secretion in women and men, both. Hence, exercising becomes even more important when the couple is planning to have a baby. Normal hormonal secretion is very necessary to increase the chances of a woman to get pregnant. Likewise, normal hormonal secretion is important for men, since sperm count depends upon certain hormones. Therefore, proper exercises are necessary in order to increase the chances of getting pregnant.

Balanced Diet

The importance and role of a balanced in normal hormonal secretion is obvious to most of the people. In the absence of balanced diet, human health is bound to get affected. Illness, of any kind, leads to fatigue and stress. Physical and mental stress affects the sex life manifolds. Stress is infact one of the major reasons behind delayed pregnancy in women. Women who are prone to stress suffer from the problem of improper hormonal secretion that leads to irregular periods. It fluctuates the date of ovulation. Thus, getting pregnant becomes difficult.

On the other hand, stress decreases the count and quality of sperms in men. Nonetheless, the role of a balanced diet is clear in getting pregnant. If you plan to have a baby, eat healthy. It helps in keeping you fit. This keeps stress at bay and manages all your body functions normally. Thus, the hormones remain under control, which is why getting pregnant becomes comparatively easier.

Moreover, fertility triggering food items are also a part of balanced diet, when planning a baby. Milk, cherry, lemon, oranges, apple, brown rice, bran, spinach, apricots etc. are fertility boosters. They contain certain vitamins, minerals and carbohydrates that are essential for sex health. They help in regulating the reproductive hormones. Therefore, having a balanced diet is one of the best home remedies for getting pregnant.

Clothing For Men

Surprising, but men under-clothing plays an important role in making women pregnant. The sperms need to be very much motile, since fertilizing is not an easy process. Therefore, it is advisable to avoid such undergarments that are too tight. Tight undergarments pressurize the testes.

It directly affects the health of sperms. The sperms become less motile. This happens because sperms need cooler atmosphere in order to remain active. Wearing tight undergarments increase the temperature, which affects the sperms manifolds. Nevertheless, wearing loose undergarments is one effective home remedy for making a woman pregnant fast.

Sex Position

Sex position also affects the pace of getting pregnant. The position in which the semen gets a chance to seep maximum inside the women’s reproductive tract is the best position for having a baby fast. Semen contains sperms. The more the semen penetrates, the more sperms enter inside the women’s reproductive tract. It increases the chances of fertilization. Therefore, a man on top is one of the best sex positions for getting pregnant fast. For this reason, it also forms one of the best home remedies for getting pregnant.

All the remedies mentioned above are easy home remedies for increasing the chances of fertilization. Since they are hundred percent natural, they do not offer any kind of side effects. Following these home remedies can help women in getting pregnant soon. However, if pregnancy is getting delayed despite of following the home remedies mentioned above, it is likely that either of the couple is suffering from fertility problems. In such a situation, it becomes necessary to consult a doctor. Various fertility problems can be treated medically. Thus, it is a wise decision to undergo a complete medical checkup, when planning to have a child.

Some other home remedies that can help a woman in getting pregnant fast are having enough sex, avoiding smoking, avoiding excess coffee, relaxing, consuming vitamin C and consuming zinc supplements. Some home remedies that help men in making a woman pregnant fast are avoiding the consumption of cigarettes, tobacco or alcohol completely, avoiding frequent hot showers and lesser masturbating.

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