10 Home Remedies For Gout Pain

Gout is one of the most painful types of arthritis. Fluctuation in the level of uric acid in the blood causes the problem of gout. Common causes of gout include excessive consumption of alcohol, sweetened drinks, meat or seafood.

10 Home Remedies For Gout Pain10 Home Remedies For Gout Pain

Common symptoms of gout include redness, inflammation, joint stiffness and so on. The problem of gout may result in extreme joint pain. Gout mainly affects the heel, knee, fingers or wrist area. Different home remedies can be used to treat the problem of gout pain.

Best Home Remedies For Gout Pain

Cayenne Pepper Powder

A paste can be created with the use of cayenne pepper powder and wintergreen oil. Application of this paste 2 to 3 times in a day on the affected area can provide relief from gout pain. Cayenne pepper powder mixed with water can also be applied on the affected area to reduce gout pain.

Cayenne PepperCayenne Pepper

Charcoal Powder

Charcoal is considered as an effective home remedy for gout pain. An individual can take bath with water containing charcoal powder (half cup) to reduce gout pain.



Direct application of ice on the affected area can reduce the pain and inflammation resulting from gout pain. It is advisable to apply ice for a period of 15 – 20 minutes to obtain relief from the problem of gout pain.

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Epsom Salt

Gout pain can be treated with use of epsom salt. Direct application of a mixture containing epsom salt and water on the affected area can provide relief from the swelling and gout pain. An individual can add two cups of epsom salt in a bucket of warm water and use this water for bathing.

Consume Fruits

Consumption of fruits like cherry, pineapple, apple, banana and strawberry can also help in curing the problem of gout pain. An individual can also consume fresh fruit juice to obtain effective results.

Apple Cider Vinegar

The problem of gout pain can be cured with the use of apple cider vinegar. Direct application of a mixture of apple cider vinegar (2 teaspoons), honey (1 teaspoon) and water (1 cup) can help in relieving the gout pain. Regular intake of this mixture 2 -3 times in a day can provide excellent results.


Lemon is considered as a good home remedy for reducing the formation of uric acid resulting in gout. Lemon juice can be consumed 2 to 3 times in a day to obtain relief from gout pain.

Baking Soda

Consumption of a mixture created with the use of baking soda (2 teaspoons) and water (1 cup) can help in dealing with the problem of gout pain. An individual can also consume a drink containing baking soda and apple cider vinegar or lemon juice to obtain effective results.

Vegetable Juice

Regular intake of vegetable juices can help in reducing gout pain. A combination of carrot, cucumber and beet juice can also be consumed to obtain relief from gout pain.

Celery Seed Juice

Another home remedy to deal with the problem of gout pain is celery seed juice. Regular consumption of a drink prepared by boiling celery seeds in a glass of water can treat the problem of gout pain.

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