8 Home Remedies For Hypertension

The problem of high blood pressure is also known as “Hypertension”. High blood pressure is dangerous. Hypertension can lead to serious problems such as heart attack, kidney failure and so on. Therefore, it is very important for an individual to obtain proper treatment for hypertension. Common causes of hypertension include obesity, consumption of excessive alcohol, stress and tension. Consumption of meat and eggs should be avoided. An individual can use different home remedies to treat the problem of hypertension. However, it is advisable to obtain proper medical advice for obtaining complete relief from hypertension.

Home Remedies for Hypertension

Use Garlic Clove

Garlic can be used as an effective home remedy for hypertension. Chewing a garlic clove empty stomach in the morning can provide quick results.Another option is to consume grinded garlic with water. Consumption of garlic on a daily basis can help in bringing down the level of blood pressure.

Consume Papaya

An individual can also consume papaya to treat the problem of hypertension. b for a period of 1 month to obtain effective results. Further, an individual should avoid eating any other food item for a period of 2 hours after consuming papaya.

Drink Lemon Juice

Consumption of lemon juice on a regular basis can also help in lowering the blood pressure level. Lemon juice can be prepared by squeezing half lemon in a cup of water.To obtain quick results, lemon juice should be consumed after every 3 – 4 hours. Regular intake of lemon juice can also help in controlling the blood pressure level.

Use Indian Gooseberry

An individual can also drink a mixture of Indian gooseberry (1 tablespoon) and honey (1 tablespoon) on a daily basis to obtain relief from the problem of hypertension. Consumption of this mixture before breakfast can provide highly effective results.

Eat Watermelon

Watermelon is another home remedy for hypertension. An individual suffering from the problem of hypertension should consume watermelon along with the seeds to deal with the problem of high blood pressure.It is interesting to note that the seeds of watermelon can be dried, roasted and consumed on a daily basis to lower the level of blood pressure.

Consume Baked Potatoes

Consumption of baked potatoes can also help in the treatment of hypertension. Potatoes contain potassium which helps in lowering the blood pressure level. An individual should consume baked potato without adding any salt or butter. However, garlic powder can be added to obtain better results.

Use Parsley

Parsley is another home remedy to treat the problem of hypertension. An individual can prepare and consume a mixture of fresh parsley (20 – 30 grams) and water to treat high blood pressure.It is important to drink this mixture multiple times in a day to obtain effective results. Another option is to consume a mixture of parsley, spinach, and carrot juice.

Drink Spinach Juice

Drinking spinach juice can also provide relief from the problem of hypertension. An individual can also drink a mixture of spinach and carrot juice to lower the blood pressure level. Consumption of this mixture on a daily basis can provide the desired results.

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