Home Remedies for Hysteria


Hysteria Hysteria is a disease of the mind and nervous system. Patients who have hysteria lose control on their actions and emotions. It can causes seizures and the patient has emotional outbursts. The main cause of hysteria is repressed mental conflict and intense anxiety. The attacks of hysteria are common in young women who are 14-25 years old as these women are naturally sensitive. The women in this age group undergo rapid body changes, which leads to hormonal imbalance. This causes the symptoms of hysteria.

People who are around the hysteria patient should remain calm and they should not panic. Panic can worsen the situation caused by hysteria. It is important to identify the stimulant that triggers the symptoms of hysteria and then the patient should be encouraged to overcome the fears caused due to hysteria. Home remedies can help in curing hysteria. The following home remedies for hysteria have been found to very useful in curing the disease.

Home Remedies For Hysteria

Milk Diet

Patients who have hysteria should remain on milk diet. This should be continued for one month. A milk diet nourishes the nerves. If you have problem in remaining on milk diet, you can take fruits along with milk.


Gradually, you can start taking seeds and nuts. You can also take grains and vegetables. This diet will help in providing nutrition to the body. It makes the immune system strong.

Lettuce Juice

Lettuce Juice

Lettuce juice is very good for hysteria patients. Mix lettuce juice with gooseberry juice. Drink the juice at morning time when you are on empty stomach. The juice should be fresh. Do this remedy for one month. This remedy will help in removing toxins from the body.

Honey And Asafetida

Honey can help in curing hysteria. You should consume honey daily. You can take one-tablespoon honey daily.


Asafetida is also very good for hysteria. You should include asafetida in the diet.You can take 0.5-1.0 grams of asafetida daily. You can also smell asafetida. Asafetida helps in relaxing the mind.


Jambul can help in curing hysteria. Jambul is also known as black berry fruit. Fill a vessel with water and put 3 kilograms Jambul along with salt. Keep the vessel out in the sun.


Let it remain outside for one week. Hysteria patient should take 300 grams Jambul fruit kept in the sun. Also, drink one cup of the water in which you have immersed the fruit. Do this remedy for two weeks.

Passion Fruit

Passion Fruit

Passion fruit is very good for hysteria patients. You can drink passion fruit juice. You can also make a decoction of passion fruit leaves and drink it. You can make this decoction by boiling passion fruit leaves in water. Strain the solution and drink it.

Bottle Gourd

Bottle gourd can help in curing hysteria when it applied externally on the body. You should grate bottle gourd so that you get its pulp. Apply this pulp on your forehead.

Bottle Gourd

The pulp should be fresh. Bottle gourd soothes and calms the mind and thus it is very useful for hysteria patients.

Avoid These Things

Patients who have hysteria should not drink tea, coffee and aerated drinks. These drinks have a high amount of caffeine, which can cause many complications. Caffeine is very harmful for the hysteria patients. Do not take tobacco. You should avoid white sugar. It is harmful to take white flour, so you should avoid it.