9 Home Remedies For Knee Pain


Home Remedies For Knee Pain

Knee pain should not be ignored. An individual suffering from knee pain may find it difficult to stand for a long period of time. Further, he/she may find it difficult to sit in a particular position for long duration. Knee pain can affect the overall work routine.Knee pain can occur at any point of time. Knee pain is a common problem nowadays. Many young individuals also experience knee pain at frequent intervals. It is important to find the cause of knee pain and obtain proper treatment. Knee pain can also be cured with the use of various home remedies. However, prolonged knee pain may require medical attention.

Treat Knee Pain Naturally

Use Bishop’s Weed

Bishop’s weed is considered as one of the most useful home remedies for knee pain. An individual suffering from knee pain should consume a powder of bishop’s weed seeds with lukewarm water in morning to obtain relief from the problem of knee pain.


Apply Ice

An individual can apply ice or a pack of ice cubes on the knee to reduce swelling and pain. Use of ice can give highly effective results within a short span of time.

Apply Ice

Use Steam Bath

An individual can take steam bath to deal with the problem of knee pain. It is interesting to note that steam bath can help in reducing the knee pain resulting from arthritis. Regular use of this remedy can be extremely beneficial in the treatment of knee pain.
Steamy Bathroom Treatment

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Massage With Warm Oil

An individual can also use different types of oil for reducing knee pain. Application of warm olive, mustard or coconut oil on knees can give excellent results. It is advisable to massage the affected area properly. Further, this remedy should be used atleast twice in a day. This remedy can also help in reducing the swelling.

Massage With Warm Oil


Use Fenugreek Seeds And Cumin

An individual can consume a mixture of fenugreek seeds and cumin to reduce knee pain.

Fenugreek Seeds


The mixture should be added to a glass of water before going to bed at night. It is important to consume this mixture empty stomach in the morning to obtain best results.

Use Turmeric

Turmeric can be mixed with asafoetida and water to create a paste. Regular application of this paste can help in providing relief from the problem of knee pain.

Use Turmeric Powder

Take Rest

An individual having knee pain should not put extra pressure on knees. It is advisable to take rest immediately. Taking rest can help in reducing the pain and can also reduce the possibility of swelling.


Exercise Regularly

An individual can practice various leg exercises to reduce knee pain. Another option is to learn yoga exercises. It is interesting to note that stretching can also provide relief from the problem of knee pain.


Apply Aloe Vera Gel

Aloe vera gel is another home remedy for knee pain. An individual can apply aloe vera gel directly on the knees. Aloe vera gel helps in reducing the pain as well as swelling. Consumption of aloe vera juice can also help in dealing with problem of knee pain.

Apply Aloe Vera Gel
Caution: Please use Remedies after Proper Research and Guidance. You accept that you are following any advice at your own risk and will properly research or consult healthcare professional.