10 Home Remedies For Laryngitis


Laryngitis is also known as ‘’Inflammation of the voice box’’. Laryngitis can be acute or chronic. Common causes of laryngitis include bacterial or viral infection, cold, irritation resulting from smoke and so on. Acid reflux may result in chronic laryngitis. Some of the common symptoms of laryngitis include fever, throat pain, dry cough and so on.

10 Home Remedies For Laryngitis

The problem of laryngitis may last for a period of 2 weeks. Laryngitis may result in problems such as voice hoarseness or loss of voice. Different home remedies may help in treating the problem of laryngitis.

Top 10 Home Remedies For Laryngitis


An individual can prepare tea by boiling a ginger root in water and consume it 2 to 3 times in a day to reduce the hoarseness of the voice resulting from laryngitis.

A mixture of ginger juice (2 teaspoons) and honey (1 teaspoon) can also be consumed on a daily basis to treat laryngitis.

Ginger Tea1


An individual can gargle with a solution created by mixing lemon juice in warm water several times in a day to treat laryngitis. A glass of lemon juice containing cayenne pepper (1/4th teaspoon) can also be consumed 3 to 4 times in a day to cure laryngitis.

Lemon Juices


An individual can boil raisins (1/4th cup) in water (1 cup) and consume this mixture on a regular basis to treat various symptoms associated with laryngitis.



An individual can create a paste by mixing crushed garlic cloves in honey and consume this mixture (1 teaspoon) with a glass of water several times in a day to deal with laryngitis.


Apple Cider Vinegar

An individual can create a solution by mixing apple cider vinegar (1 tablespoon) in water (1 cup) and gargle with this solution on a frequent basis to reduce the cough and hoarseness resulting from laryngitis.

A mixture of apple cider vinegar (1/4th cup) and honey (2 tablespoons) can be consumed (1 teaspoon) multiple times in a day to cure laryngitis.

Apple Cider Vinegar


Gargling with a glass of warm water containing salt (1/2 teaspoon) 3 to 4 times in a day can help in the treatment of laryngitis. It is important to note that the quantity of salt should not be increased as it may result in throat irritation.

Salt Solution

Aloe Vera

An individual can gargle with aloe vera juice 2 to 3 times in a day to cure laryngitis. Fresh aloe vera gel (2 teaspoons) can also be consumed with honey (2 teaspoons) on a daily basis to obtain the desired results.

Aloe Vera Juice2


Regular intake of tea prepared by boiling chamomile leaves in water can help in reducing the pain and inflammation resulting from laryngitis. Peppermint tea can also be consumed 2 to 3 times in a day to obtain relief from laryngitis. Consumption of sage tea is also recommended.

Chamomile Tea

Anise Seeds

An individual can create a tonic by boiling anise seeds (2 teaspoons) in water (2 cups) and consume this tonic (2 teaspoons) multiple times in a day to treat laryngitis. Anise oil can also be applied on the neck and chest area to obtain relief from laryngitis.

Anise Seeds

Fruit Or Vegetable Juice

An individual can consume a mixture of orange, cranberry and grapefruit juice on a daily basis to cure laryngitis. A mixture of carrot, radish and ginger juice can also be consumed to treat the problem of laryngitis.

Fresh Fruit Juice