10 Home Remedies For Lower Back Pain

Lower back pain is also known as lumbago. Lower back pain is a common muscular problem. Poor posture, muscular tension, tissue sprain and so on are some common causes of lower back pain. The problem of lower back pain can grow with age. The problem of lower back pain is commonly found in elderly people. An individual suffering from the problem of lower back pain should avoid lifting heavy weight items and putting extra stress on the back.

Lower back pain can affect the lifestyle of an individual. It is important for an individual (suffering from the problem of lower back pain) to maintain right postures while performing different activities. An individual can use different home remedies for lower back pain. It is important to note that some of the home remedies may not provide immediate relief from the problem of lower back pain.

Effective Home Remedies for Lower Back Pain

Use Basil Leaves

An individual can prepare a syrup by boiling basil leaves (10 – 12 leaves) in a cup of water. Consumption of this syrup can provide relief from severe lower back pain. Drinking basil tea (1 cup) with a pinch of salt 2 or 3 times in a day can help in reducing muscle stiffness and lower back pain.

Use Honey

Honey has healing properties. Consumption of honey (1 tablespoon) with a glass of warm water on a regular basis can provide effective results. An individual can also use a special type of honey named “Manuka” for massaging the affected area. Massaging manuka honey on lower back area for a period of 2 to 3 weeks can cure the problem of lower back pain.

Use Turmeric In Different Forms

An individual can consume turmeric powder (1 teaspoon) with a glass of warm water to obtain relief from the problem of lower back pain. Turmeric paste can be prepared with a mix of turmeric (2 tablespoons), honey (1 tablespoon) and milk (2 tablespoons). Rubbing this paste on the lower back area for 5 to 8 minutes on a daily basis for a period of 1 – 2 weeks can provide better results.

Massage With Oil

Massaging is one of the most effective remedies for lower back pain. Warm castor oil can be used for massaging the lower back area on a daily basis to reduce lower back pain. Massaging gently with a mix of peppermint oil and turpentine oil can also help in resolving the problem of lower back pain.Another option is to prepare and fry a mixture of coconut oil (4 tablespoons), sesame oil (2 tablespoons), mustard oil (2 tablespoons) and garlic (8 – 10 cloves). This mixture can also be used for massaging the lower back area to obtain quick relief from the pain.

Use Milk

Consumption of warm milk containing turmeric (1 teaspoon) on a regular basis can reduce lower back pain. An individual can prepare a paste by boiling cabbage leaves (6 – 8 leaves) in milk (4 cups). Applying this paste on the lower back area can help in reducing the pain.Another alternative is to soak wheat (2 tablespoons), khus – khus (1 tablespoon) and coriander seeds (1 tablespoon) in milk before going to sleep at night. This mixture should be boiled in the morning and consumed atleast 2 times in a day to deal with the problem of lower back pain.

Practice Different Yoga Postures

An individual can also learn and practice yoga postures such as bhujangasana, halaasana, uttarpadasana and shalabhasana to treat the problem of lower back pain. However, an individual should consult his/her doctor before practicing these postures.

Use Aloe Vera Juice/Gel

Drinking aloe vera juice on a daily basis can also help in reducing lower back pain. Rubbing fresh aloe vera gel on the lower back area can provide relief from the problem of lower back pain.

Use Eucalyptus Oil

Using eucalyptus oil for massaging the lower back area can reduce lower back pain. Bathing with warm water containing eucalyptus oil (15 – 20 drops) can also provide effective results.

Use Ice Pack

Ice pack can also be used as a home remedy for lower back pain. Ice pack can be prepared with the use of a plastic bag and ice cubes. Direct application of ice pack on the lower back area can help in reducing the pain. In order to obtain best results, ice pack should be removed only after 30 minutes.

Drink Tea

An individual can also drink a tea prepared with the use of chamomile flowers (1 tablespoon) or chamomile tea bags to obtain relief from the problem of lower back pain.Consumption of chamomile tea 2 – 3 times in a day can provide highly effective results. Another option is to drink ginger tea 3 – 4 times in a day.

Caution: Please use Home Remedies after Proper Research and Guidance. You accept that you are following any advice at your own risk and will properly research or consult healthcare professional.

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