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An overactive bladder can make one pass the urine more often than it is normal, or there is a sudden urge to rush. Even if there is some passage of urine involuntarily(incontinence), we call the bladder as an overactive one.
There are many home remedies that can effectively look after an overactive bladder. The cause may be the loss of muscle strength, or excessive weight, it may even be age related.
List Of Home Remedies To Treat Overactive Bladder
Bladder Training
This is the best remedy for overactive bladder. There is no medicine or herb of any type required for bladder training. Do not simply go to the urinal as and when you feel like passing the urine. If you feel so, hold on for some time. Say, to begin with hold for 5 minutes more and gradually work towards increasing the time. Also, fix the timing for the visit to the urinal.
Pelvic Exercises
The muscles of the urinary passage often respond very well to the strengthening. First of all do a simple test to identify the muscles to work on. When there is a need to pass urine, do not go, instead try to forcefully hold it.
Now feel the muscles that you had to use for holding. These are the very muscles, you are going to strengthen. Tighten these muscles, hold them for ten seconds and then relax. Repeat it 20 times. Do it three times a day.
Lose Weight
If you have excessive weight, it may be the cause behind your overactive bladder.
Panax Ginseng
It is being used in Chinese medicine system for over two millennia. The scintific explanation of its benefit is rooted in the fact that ginseng converts L-Argentine into nitric oxide, thereby bladder muscles have a better control. The Chinese have been able to treat the incontinence and frequent passage of urine with panax ginseng.
Drink Horsetail Tea
This ancient remedy uses dry shoots of horsetail for incontinence. They are a rich source of silicic acid which is potent to treat urinary issues. 2 to 3 gm of dry herb is taken and put into 2 cups of water. It is brought to a boil and then allowed to simmer for about 10 minutes. The tea thus obtained is strained and consumed between the meals.
Consume Cleavers Tea
It is a commonly found herb, known for its diuretic properties. Its tea can be taken thrice a day for incontinence.For one day’s requirement take 4 cups water and 3 tbsp of cleavers dried herb. Bring it to a boil and let it simmer for 5 minutes. Adverse effects are not seen. But the fresh plant can irritate the skin.
Pumpkin Seeds
Pumpkin seeds are an excellent health tonic, their value is as much as the nuts like almonds and cashews. Take a glass jug, fill it up with water and put about 250 gm of pumpkin seeds into it.Let the seeds remain in water for 4 to 5 hours. Now strain the water and drink half a cup of pumpkin drink twice a day. This will help you to treat the urge for frequent urination.
Plantain leaves extracts are known to be useful for treating overactive bladder. The leaves are known to contain tannins. Tanins have the ability to treat an overactive bladder.
Be watchful
To prevent this one should take alcohol and beverages in moderation. Smoking also contributes to making the bladder overactive.