8 Home Remedies for Panic Attacks

A panic attack is a kind of anxiety disorder that triggers periodic spells of symptoms ranging from scary thoughts to shortness of breath. In case of a few people, such an attack occurs only once and is never experienced again.

However, others tend to experience such attacks regularly due to which the symptoms get associated with a panic disorder. MayoClinic.com states that such attacks can be triggered without any warning and can generate severe physical symptoms to make an individual think she or he is losing control.

In order to deal with such attacks, doctors recommend treatments such as medications and psychotherapy. However, there are some effective home remedies as well, which you can try along with the prescribed treatments. Using these natural remedies for treating panic attacks may not make the symptoms go away forever, but they surely help in reducing their intensity as well as occurrence. Therefore, it is certainly worthy for you to consider the home remedies.

Home Remedies for Panic Attacks

Try Out Some Relaxation Techniques

For those who are experiencing frequent panic attacks, it is advisable to learn and practice some engaging relaxation techniques such as meditation, yoga, progressive muscle relaxation, and counting. HelpGuide.org explains that these techniques allow the body to boost its ability to calm down naturally instead of getting more stressed – a common sign of panic.

Therefore, implementing one of these relaxing methods into a daily routine can surely aid in alleviating the symptoms of panic disorder. You can either choose to participate in a classroom setting for some time so that you can learn well and then do the same at home. In case you cannot attend a class, consider purchasing some reliable DVDs to learn on your own or calling an expert at your home under the supervision of your elders.

Practice Deep Breathing

HelpGuide.org says that hyperventilation can trigger a few symptoms that are linked to panic attacks, such as chest tightness and lightheadedness. Therefore, one way you can control these feelings is to control breathing. You need to learn this technique so that symptoms related to difficulty in breathing can be easily dealt with.

When the spell is experienced or the panic symptoms begin to unfurl, the first thing that you can do is to start breathing deeply for alleviating them by triggering a feeling of calmness. Moreover, if the patients learn to control their breathing, they can easily keep the panic symptoms at bay.

An ancient home remedy that has shown its effectiveness in alleviating hyperventilation at the time of a panic attack is to cover the nose as well as mouth with a paper bag. Doing so decelerates restless breathing. When you breathe in carbon dioxide, it makes you calm down and relaxes hyperventilation during a panic attack. All you have to do is just position the mouth of the bag on the face to seal the area around the cheeks.

Exercise and Stay Active

The National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) suggests a myriad of stress management techniques such as aerobic exercises for dealing with panic attacks effectively and naturally as well as for improving the effectiveness of normal treatments.

So, it is a good idea to perform some aerobic exercises such as jogging, walking, and cycling. It has been found that these exercises aid in relieving endorphins – chemicals in the brain that are known for their potential to calm down the emotions and trigger happy mood. Engaging in such physical activities can aid in alleviating stress, putting things in order, gaining a sense of control, and improving overall mental as well as physical well-being.

Obtain Relief from Massage

It has been found that massaging the throat and neck can aid in relieving panic attacks. More often than not, these areas are the most affected ones as they remain tense during the bouts. Massaging can relieve this tension by improving blood circulation.However, you need to take care that you massage softly on one of the sides of the throat and neck at a time. If you tend to do it too aggressively on both the sides, it may interfere with the blood circulation to cause unconsciousness.

Experience the Magic of Cream of Tartar

Experts suggest having the mix of cream of tartar and water to alleviate the intensity of panic attacks. This blend works by triggering a highly alkalized state in the body, which changes the pH level and balances the system. However, this mix gives only temporary relief, which remains for 15 to 30 minutes. Therefore, you can take this concoction repeatedly, says Robert O. Young who is a pH expert. He recommends mixing half tablespoon of cream of tartar in 8 oz. of water for obtaining better results. Above all, the cream of tartar does not interfere with the medications.

Quit Harmful Habits

Consuming caffeine and alcohol, having illicit drugs, and smoking daily or heavily can worsen a panic attack. According to the HelpGuide.org, there are some medications such as diet pills, which are rich in stimulants that can also trigger the panic symptoms.Therefore, it is vital to avoid all these substances if you wish to alleviate the chances of suffering from a panic attack.

Have Vitamin B Supplements

It has been found that Vitamin B improves the feeling of calmness in those who consume it on a daily basis in the form of supplementation. Specifically, the B vitamin inositol is known to have an impact on the production of serotonin that is a brain chemical, which alleviates intensity as well as severity of panic disorders. However, you will have to ask your doctor for dosage instructions.

Take Aromatherapy

There are few natural scents such as lavender that have the ability to trigger a soothing effect in the brain. Therefore, it has been recommended mixing lavender or other bath oils in water and soaking your body for at least an hour for effective treatment.However, in case of uncontrollable panic attacks, it is ideal to consult with a professional therapist so that you can get proper guidance. Although you may not experience quick relief, aromatherapy surely makes you stress- as well as anxiety-free.

Note: The mentioned home remedies should be taken only after consulting with your doctor.

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