8 Home Remedies For Post Nasal Drip

The problem of post nasal drip results from formation of excess mucus. Common causes of post nasal drip include cold, allergy, gerd, flu and so on. Exposure to pollution and dust can also result in post nasal drip.Common symptoms of post nasal drip include bad breath, difficulty in breathing, coughing and constant spitting.
Intake of alcohol, dairy products or caffeine can increase the problem of post nasal drip. Further, consumption of spicy foods should be avoided by an individual suffering from this problem. Different home remedies can help in the treatment of post nasal drip.

Most Useful Home Remedies for Post Nasal Drip

Salt Water

One of the most effective home remedies for post nasal drip can be salt water. Preparation of salt water is easy. An individual is required to add salt (1/2 teaspoon) in a cup of water.Salt water can be used for gargling and obtaining relief from various symptoms of post nasal drip.


Water can also be used in the treatment of post nasal drip. Frequent intake of water can help in keeping the mucus thin and nasal passage hydrated. Consumption of 8 – 10 glasses of water in a day can provide quick relief from the problem of post nasal drip.

Ginger Tea

Ginger tea can also help in the treatment of symptoms of post nasal drip. A mixture of ginger (1/2 teaspoon), thyme (1/2 teaspoon) and salt (1 teaspoon) can be boiled in a bowl of water.

An individual is required to inhale the vapours produced by this mixture to treat the problem of post nasal drip. Covering head with a cloth/towel is essential to obtain best results.

Fruit Juice

Intake of juice prepared with the use of fresh fruits can provide relief from the problem of post nasal drip. An individual can increase intake of apple or grape juice to obtain quick results. It is interesting to note that consumption of fresh fruit juice can also help in reducing throat irritation resulting from past nasal drip.

Peppermint Oil

Peppermint oil can also be used as a home remedy for post nasal drip. An individual can put several drops of peppermint oil in a clean cloth (soaked in warm water) and inhale the vapours by putting the cloth close to the nostrils. Regular use of this remedy can help in curing some of the symptoms of post nasal drip.

Raw Honey And Lemon

Intake of warm tea prepared by mixing raw honey and lemon with water 3 to 4 times (on a daily basis) can also help in reducing the problem of post nasal drip.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Intake of apple cider vinegar with water on a daily basis can also help in obtaining relief from the symptoms of post nasal drip.To obtain best results, this remedy is required to be used atleast 2 times in a day.


A soup prepared with the use of fresh vegetables can be consumed to obtain relief from post nasal drip. Intake of warm soup 3 to 4 times in a day can help in flushing out excess mucus and providing relief from various symptoms of post nasal drip.

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