10 Home Remedies For Stomach Gas


Stomach gas is a common problem. It can be uncomfortable, painful and can cause embarrassment. Common causes of stomach gas include air swallowing, quick intake of food items, undigested food, smoking and so on.

10 Home Remedies For Stomach Gas

Stomach gas may result in flatulence, belching, abdominal bloating, abdominal pain and so on. To avoid formation of stomach gas, an individual should reduce the consumption of heavy and greasy food items. Different home remedies to treat the problem of stomach gas are mentioned below.

Ginger Tea


You can consume a glass of lime water several times in a day to cure stomach gas. A mixture created with the use of lemon juice (2 tablespoons), black salt (1 teaspoon), honey (1 teaspoon) and soda water (1/2 cup) can also be consumed on a regular basis to obtain quick results.


Cumin Seeds

Herbal Remedies for Gas
Home Remedy For Gas and Bloating
Herbal Remedies For Treating Gas Problem

Aloe Vera

You can consume aloe vera juice (1/2 cup) mixed with water (1/2 cup) every morning empty stomach to reduce the stomach gas. Regular intake of aloe vera gel (1 teaspoon) with a glass of water can help in curing the abdominal pain resulting from stomach gas.

Aloe Vera Juice

Caraway Seeds

You can consume a tonic prepared by boiling caraway seeds (2 teaspoons) in water (1 cup) on a frequent basis to treat stomach gas. Consumption of food items containing caraway seeds can help in reducing the gas formation.

Caraway Seeds


You can create a mixture with the use of crushed asafoetida (2 – 3 teaspoons) and water (1 cup) and rub this mixture on your belly button for a period of 5 to 10 minutes to obtain relief from the discomfort resulting from stomach gas.



You can chew a mixture prepared by mixing pomegranate seeds (1 teaspoon), black pepper powder (1/4 teaspoon) and salt (a pinch) to cure stomach gas.

Intake of a glass of pomegranate juice containing black salt (1/8th teaspoon) on a daily basis can also help in the treatment of stomach gas.

Pomegranate Juices


You can consume a tea prepared by boiling fresh parsley leaves in water 2 to 3 times in a day to cure abdominal bloating and pain resulting from stomach gas. Intake of food items containing parsley can provide the desired results.



You can consume warm garlic soup (a small bowl) on a regular basis to reduce the gas formation. Raw garlic cloves (2 – 3) can also be chewed to treat various symptoms associated with stomach gas.

Garlic Cloves

Fennel Seeds

You can consume a tea prepared with fennel seeds on a daily basis to cure stomach gas. Fennel seed oil can also be rubbed on the stomach area to reduce the pain resulting from stomach gas.

Fennel Seeds