11 Home Remedies For Stretch Marks

Home Remedies For Stretch MarksHome Remedies For Stretch Marks

Stretch marks generally appear in the form of parallel lines on the different parts of the body such as abdomen, shoulders, thighs and so on.

Common causes of stretch marks include rapid weight gain, obesity, weight lifting and so on. Inadequate diet is another cause of stretch marks. An individual can use various home remedies to deal with the problem of stretch marks.

Home Remedies for Stretch Marks

Apply Cocoa Butter

Apply Cocoa Butter For Stretch MarksApply Cocoa Butter For Stretch Marks

Cocoa butter is highly effective in treating the problem of stretch marks. To obtain best results, an individual can directly apply cocoa butter on the affected area before going to sleep at night after taking a bath with warm water.

Use Olive Oil

Olive Oil For Stretch MarksOlive Oil For Stretch Marks

An individual can regularly apply a mixture prepared with the use of virgin olive oil (1 cup) and aloe vera gel (1/2 cup) on the affected area in order to remove the stretch marks.

Lavender Oil

Direct application of lavender oil on the affected area can help an individual in treating the problem of stretch marks. Application of a mixture prepared with the use of lavender oil (7 – 8 drops), almond oil (4 – 5 tablespoons), avocado oil (1 – 2 tablespoons) and neroli oil (5 – 6 drops) can also provide the desired results.

Lemon Juice


Lemon juice can be used as another home remedy for removing stretch marks. It is advisable to apply lemon juice on a daily basis to obtain effective results.

Apricot Scrub

An individual can also rub apricot scrub on the affected area to treat the problem of stretch marks. Regular use of this remedy can provide effective results within a short span of time.

Drink Water

It is interesting to note that water can also be used as a home remedy to deal with the problem of stretch marks. An individual should drink plenty of water (atleast 1.5 – 2 litres) on a daily basis to cure the problem of stretch marks.

Consume Fresh Fruits And Vegetables

Regular consumption of fresh fruits and vegetables can also help an individual in obtaining relief from the problem of stretch marks.

Almond Oil


Regular massage with the use of almond oil on the affected area can help an individual in treating stretch marks. An individual can also apply a mixture prepared with the use of almond oil and cocoa butter on the affected area to remove the stretch marks.

Use Coffee Powder

An individual can crush half a cup of coffee beans into a fine powder and mix this powder with any skin lotion to prepare a cream for stretch marks. Regular application of this cream on the affected area can provide highly effective results.

Aloe Vera Gel

Regular consumption of aloe vera juice can help an individual in the treatment of stretch marks. An individual can directly apply a mixture prepared with the use of aloe vera scrub and sugar on the affected area to obtain the desired results.

Wheat Germ Oil

An individual can apply a mixture prepared with the use of wheat germ oil (1 tablespoon) and calendula (1 tablespoon) on the affected area to clear the stretch marks.

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