11 Home Remedies For Sweaty Hands

The problem of sweaty hands is also known as “Palmar Hyperhidrosis”. Some of the common causes of sweaty hands include anxiety, stress, mental tension, nervousness and so on. Obesity, influenza or hormonal changes can also lead to sweaty hands. Intake of certain food items can also result in sweaty hands. An individual can use different relaxation techniques and meditation to deal with the problem of sweaty hands. It is interesting to note that the problem of sweaty hands can also be cured with the use of simple home remedies.

Remedies for Sweaty Hands

Drink Herbal Tea

Regular intake of herbal tea can provide relief from the problem of sweaty hands.
Consumption of sage, green or chamomile tea 2 – 3 times in a day can give more effective results.




Another home remedy to deal with the problem of sweaty hands is cornstarch. An individual can soak his/her hands in cornstarch to get rid of excess sweat. It is interesting to note that this remedy can also help in keeping the pores clean.

Cold Water

Soaking hands in cold water for 30 – 45 minutes can provide relief from the problem of sweaty hands for a period of 3 – 4 hours.


Application of a solution created by mixing rosewater and vinegar with the help of cotton swab can also help in the treatment of sweaty hands.



Honey can be mixed with apple cider vinegar and applied to palms in order to reduce the problem of sweaty hands.

This remedy should be used 2 times in a day to obtain better results.


Wheatgrass can be used as a home remedy for sweaty hands. Consumption of wheatgrass juice 3 to 4 times on a daily basis can help in treating the problem of sweaty hands.


Apple Cider Vinegar

One of the most effective home remedies to deal with the problem of sweaty hands is apple cider vinegar.

Regular consumption of lukewarm apple cider vinegar in the morning can help in reducing sweat in hands.



It is interesting to note that charcoal can also be used to deal with the problem of sweaty hands. Regular intake of charcoal in the morning (empty stomach) can help in reducing the problem of sweaty hands.


An individual can also prepare and apply a lemon juice lotion to get relief from the problem of sweaty hands. Lemon juice lotion can be prepared by mixing lemon juice with vodka.It is important to wash hands (after 15 – 20 minutes of the application of this mixture) with warm water to obtain better results.

Oak Bark

Oak bark can be used to cure the problem of sweaty hands. To use this remedy, an individual is required to soak his/her hands in a mixture created by boiling raw oak bark (1 teaspoon) in milk (1 glass). To obtain best results, this remedy should be used 4 – 5 times on a daily basis.

Talcum Powder

Frequent application of talcum powder on the hands can help in reducing excess sweat. It is important to note that this remedy can give temporary relief.

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